I've always wondered though, in all seriousness, what is the point of praying? Even if someone believes in God, prayer to him and asking for whatever it may be, it won't matter because nothing will change, and if it did that would say that God doesn't have a plan.
So yeah, not trying to be a dick, I've actually wondered this for a while.
Well as far as my faith goes, its more of a relationship thing. Sort of like having a conversation, and connecting with Him. It isn't just to ask for things, its also to give praise and thanks. The asking part is more giving your problems up to Him, and putting your trust in Him that He will do what is best.
To be honest though, I hardly ever pray. I'm definitely not being "the best Christian" as of late.
I guess I would be considered Agnostic? I think the idea of God is possible, but I'm not completely sure, even if I was there are a couple things in the bible I don't believe in.
For starters, I believe in equality lol, so that not makes me not Christian I guess.
Believe it or not, most Christians believe in equality as well. The assholes you see in the media do not represent the whole very well... At least as far as my own, and other Christian's beliefs that I have come in contact with.
Part of believing in equality means being ok with people's homosexuality, which if someone is not against it they aren't Christian, because the Bible says it's wrong.
There is a difference between accepting someone's homosexuality, and believing that the act of gay sex is a sin. Many Christians accept gay people for who they are. In fact many Christians are friends with homosexual individuals. They just don't agree with what they are doing. Those same people believe that any sex before marriage is sin, swearing is sin, getting drunk or high is sin, killing is sin, etc. Those same people also recognize that they sin too - A LOT, and that no sin is worse or better than another. And because of that, nobody is perfect and it is not our place to judge because of what we give in to.
Those people, like myself, believe that the only necessary thing is to believe in God and Jesus, and have a relationship with him. They come to terms with the fact that they sin just as much as everyone else and therefore it is not their place to judge.
Those people, like myself, believe that the only necessary thing is to believe in God and Jesus, and have a relationship with him.
I used to be like this, I remember when I was 17 and I was going to this youth group here, my friend had been going there with us for probably 8/9 months or so, everyone knew her and were friends with her, and one day the youth pastor found out she was bisexual, and he flat out told her that she couldn't come to youth group anymore an that she couldn't be a christian, and he even told me if I supported her way of life I was not a Christian either, and after that I just said fuck it, and I haven't been to a church since then, they're all close minded hypocrites.
Those people, like myself, believe that the only necessary thing is to believe in God and Jesus, and have a relationship with him.
I used to be like this, I remember when I was 17 and I was going to this youth group here, my friend had been going there with us for probably 8/9 months or so, everyone knew her and were friends with her, and one day the youth pastor found out she was bisexual, and he flat out told her that she couldn't come to youth group anymore an that she couldn't be a christian, and he even told me if I supported her way of life I was not a Christian either, and after that I just said fuck it, and I haven't been to a church since then, they're all close minded hypocrites.
I haven't experienced that. Most of the Christians I know are pretty open minded. When it comes to social issues.
That being said, I also contribute secular reasoning to my religious based beliefs. That is one of the reasons why I am Celibate. Because just based off of Christian teachings, I couldn't think of why gay sex would be such a sin. The only rational explanation I came up with was that you can not reproduce by methods of homosexual interaction. Thus, I have reason to believe that according to Christian teaching ANY sexual action performed without the intention of procreation is a sin. And since I do not want kids of my own, I am not going to have sex.
Sadly, a lot of Christians just follow what the Bible says without applying any rationality to it.
So yeah, not trying to be a dick, I've actually wondered this for a while.
To be honest though, I hardly ever pray. I'm definitely not being "the best Christian" as of late.
For starters, I believe in equality lol, so that not makes me not Christian I guess.
Those people, like myself, believe that the only necessary thing is to believe in God and Jesus, and have a relationship with him. They come to terms with the fact that they sin just as much as everyone else and therefore it is not their place to judge.
That being said, I also contribute secular reasoning to my religious based beliefs. That is one of the reasons why I am Celibate. Because just based off of Christian teachings, I couldn't think of why gay sex would be such a sin. The only rational explanation I came up with was that you can not reproduce by methods of homosexual interaction. Thus, I have reason to believe that according to Christian teaching ANY sexual action performed without the intention of procreation is a sin. And since I do not want kids of my own, I am not going to have sex.
Sadly, a lot of Christians just follow what the Bible says without applying any rationality to it.