Ugh Im in one hell of a pickle....the owner of my restaurant just called me and told me she's demoting the store manager and putting me in charge...she wants me to keep it to myself for a couple days though...the other two managers are cool guys I like them a lot but I flat out work harder...I just really hate the idea of hiding shot from them because we have become friends...but I didn't know them before I worked there And above all it's my job so it is above all most important....I didn't go to them and say I wanted his job....the owners came to me and asked me to take it so of course I'm not gonna turn it down...I just feel like I should give them a heads up but the owner asked me not to. But I guess what they say is true, hard work pays off
I just don't like keeping stuff from people at all...but it really isn't my fault that I work harder then my boss, and listen's crazy Iv went from an ordinary employee to running the whole store in 7.5 months....and I turned down the assistant managers position the first time it was offered to me
When I saw him in April he was shaky as anything and used the TelePrompTer ALL the time
In the retail/ customer service business this is almost unheard of