I don't really like the Bon Iver feature either. And thing that plays in between Kanye's bars sounds bad. The two tracks between New Slaves and Blood on The Leaves are bad.
Hold My Liquor and I'm In It are my favorites right now, and I hate Chief Keef.
I'm In It makes me absolutely lose my shit.
And Ed's right, wit all the themes about black oppression and racism, I can't relate to a lot of the tracks/bars. I feel awkward as fuck rapping along to "My Momma was raised in a era when, clean water was only served to the fairer skin. Doin' clothes, you woulda thought I had help. But they wasn't satisfied unless I picked the cotton myself." Ahaha. But still, I really fuck wit the album now and can appreciate and understand his message, even if it doesn't apply to me. Plus, really the only purely black centered songs are Black Skinhead and New Slaves, wit black lines thrown into other songs around the album. But most of the album once again deals wit relationships and self criticism (Hold My Liquor, Blood On The Leaves, Guilt Trip, Bound 2.) and then a few brag tracks and straight bangers (On Sight, I'm In It, Send It Up.). I don't consider I Am A God a brag track, if you really take in what he's saying, it's not just narcissism.
But anyways, I take back my initial thoughts on the album, this might possibly be my favorite Yeezy album now, shit is just fucking ridiculous. It's so experimental that it takes some time to appreciate it and take it in, that's why I was so put off at first, but then it finally hits you, and you realize how much of a mad fucking genius this motherfucker is.
"You won't ever have this car. Keep dreaming serfs. Im drivin with no permit too."
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
Hate this fucking faggot. I don't use Instagram, but that's where he popped off. This piece of shit is actually famous. He's a fucking 17 year old wit millionaire parents. He's spoiled and did jackshit for the money, but brags like he earned it. I wish the absolute worst on him. I hope his parents go bankrupt and he's living in a cardboard fucking box contemplating suicide.
I'm In It makes me absolutely lose my shit.
And Ed's right, wit all the themes about black oppression and racism, I can't relate to a lot of the tracks/bars. I feel awkward as fuck rapping along to "My Momma was raised in a era when, clean water was only served to the fairer skin. Doin' clothes, you woulda thought I had help. But they wasn't satisfied unless I picked the cotton myself." Ahaha. But still, I really fuck wit the album now and can appreciate and understand his message, even if it doesn't apply to me. Plus, really the only purely black centered songs are Black Skinhead and New Slaves, wit black lines thrown into other songs around the album. But most of the album once again deals wit relationships and self criticism (Hold My Liquor, Blood On The Leaves, Guilt Trip, Bound 2.) and then a few brag tracks and straight bangers (On Sight, I'm In It, Send It Up.). I don't consider I Am A God a brag track, if you really take in what he's saying, it's not just narcissism.
But anyways, I take back my initial thoughts on the album, this might possibly be my favorite Yeezy album now, shit is just fucking ridiculous. It's so experimental that it takes some time to appreciate it and take it in, that's why I was so put off at first, but then it finally hits you, and you realize how much of a mad fucking genius this motherfucker is.
"You won't ever have this car. Keep dreaming serfs. Im drivin with no permit too."
figuratively and possibly literally
Cheeze :-?