Be on the lookout for info on a Krisiun/Vital Remains/Malevolent Creation tour.
you sure thats a US tour? I thought mc were being cunts about touring the usa again
My friend in Miami went to see Krisiun a couple weeks ago when they came by and talked to their vocalist who said they will be back on a bigger scale tour with a couple of their favorite bands, and apparently one of the other band members mentioned those 2 bands.
I need some ignorant rap suggestions for a playlist. It's for our pregaming of the FC Dallas game... Looking at you @slapguitarer
OF, Trinidad James, Chief Keef, Juicy J, Lil B and Wacka Flocka
I've had to do what's on spotify, but I put some OF, JUicy, and Trinidad James on there. I might add some Waka because he brings out the worst in everybody
I don't smoke at all but.....wut?
Yeah song sucked...prolly wont listen to the rest of the cd