There's a case going on in Weirton right now where some 19 year old kid gave a two year old genital warts. His excuse according to court or some bs was, "sometimes when I sleep my dick gets hard. I guess it poked through my clothes and accidentally touched her". I would find the actual quote but fuck it, it's close
Really? That's your excuse? This child needed surgery from trauma btw
He's being held on 50,000 dollars bond and being accused of watching porn and touching himself and the child to it.....everything I didn't know about him makes sense now...and I feel horrible...all the songs point to him being abused as a kid I was just to ignorant to see it (
On top of that my whole family got on me caused I told them I wouldn't go to Easter because I don't celebrate religion and every one tolde I was a horrible person and my dad won't stop going on about it.....ugh I hate bitching about stuff to people but there's just a lot on my plate right now
Really? That's your excuse? This child needed surgery from trauma btw
Finna be a long day
very nice :>