Off to a concert.........near my school........that has everything to do with metal and has nothing to do with my music class. We'll see how this goes.
So, for my Creativity class, my homework for next week is to create a mask, and we are completely free to do whatever. I have 2 ideas. Hah. 1) Lie in a pile of leaves with just my eyes and mouth showing and take a picture or 2) paint a false Cyclops face on my back using my eye tattoo. My roommate wants me to do the second one. I might do both.
What makes this weird, is that she was one of the student teachers I had last year..
I was just gonna make it quick, but two of my friends came in and sat down and helped me write it.
This is the most epic, incredible thing I have ever written.
This band is so fucking heavy OMG they need to make a new Fucking album right the FUCK now.
This is the most mindblowing pants creaming thing I've ever done...
...And then you never post it or show proof. >_______>