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I wanna fuck my way to the gardencause everyoneneedsa mother............FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Helloween is streaming on myspace.
Yeah from what I've heard. It's definately better than their previous albums.
At Texas A&M right now, can't wait to go back home and get out of this redneck utopia.
I wanna fuck my way to the gardencause everyoneneedsa mother............FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i used to love that song....
At Texas A&M right now, can't wait to go back home and get out of this redneck utopia. <_> College Station is a great town.
lol i used to love that song....
A: I gave an oompa loompa a handjob
B: I jerked off with iodine
In honor of Halloween I am watching South Park- Hell on Earth 2006!
let the facepalms pour in
Fuck yea. Such an epic ass song. Probably their only song I like.
That, and If You Can't Ride Two Horses At Once, You Need To Get Out Of The Circus.
I saw who it was and was like O_O
I'll download an album to see if I can really get into them