Erik just because you own a ball python and a red tail dosnt mean you know more about snakes than anyone on here.
can you tell me what a "Python regius" or a "Crotalus atrox" WITHOUT the use of Google, wikipedia or any other information site?
how about the proper care of a "Crotalus atrox" and whether or not it can be safely handled without the use of any protection [i.e gloves face sheild etc etc]
What kind of climates a "Crotalus atrox" and a "Python regius'' come from?
I mean shit, even Reticulated Pythons (They get 20-30 Feet.) are only about $60-$80 as babies. They're common because of the extensive breeding Herpers have done over the years.
I do though. I constantly research Snakes. And Python Regius is the Scientific name of the Ball Python. -_- Which are actually supposed to be called Royal Pythons. You can fuck off. Tell me the difference between Boa Constrictor Imperator, and Boa Constrictor Constrictor? What about the Boidae (Shortened to Boids) family, or Boinae sub-family. How about any snakes belonging to the Morelia Genus? What about a Python Molorus Bivittatus?
I'll admit I had to Google the second part, it's a Rattlesnake, but I don't really read about Venomous Snakes. The only one I've really researched as far as Venomous go, is the Gaboon Viper.
In all honesty man im just busting your undeveloped balls.
I think its cool as fuck you have some snakes and plan on getting more. i used to be like that...
i used to have a 3ft long Ball Python, a 4ft black and ivory banded king snake
i also had a small corn snake when i was like 5 years old.
im fascinated by Snakes...well Reptiles in general. I wish my current living situation would allow me to have my snakes, or i wouldnt have had to get rid of my King and Python...but shit happens i guess.
OK, Mrs. "I cut myself, make myself throw up, have mental breakdowns, sit in my room all day, I'm mentally depressed, and need medication, all because of Jamie.".
OK, Mrs. "I cut myself, make myself throw up, have mental breakdowns, sit in my room all day, I'm mentally depressed, and need medication, all because of Jamie.".
i need my anti depressants because my sister got killed. i didnt know it was because of jamie. this is news to me. the only thing true in there is i sat in my room all day, thats it soo...
can you tell me what a "Python regius" or a "Crotalus atrox" WITHOUT the use of Google, wikipedia or any other information site?
how about the proper care of a "Crotalus atrox" and whether or not it can be safely handled without the use of any protection [i.e gloves face sheild etc etc]
What kind of climates a "Crotalus atrox" and a "Python regius'' come from?
I became a pretty good shot with the BB gun thanks to years of target shooting with snakes.
dont use google or wiki this time <_>
Eastern diamond Back
Western Diamond back
you gotta be more specific.
In all honesty man im just busting your undeveloped balls.
I think its cool as fuck you have some snakes and plan on getting more. i used to be like that...
i used to have a 3ft long Ball Python, a 4ft black and ivory banded king snake
i also had a small corn snake when i was like 5 years old.
im fascinated by Snakes...well Reptiles in general. I wish my current living situation would allow me to have my snakes, or i wouldnt have had to get rid of my King and Python...but shit happens i guess.
BTW, Thanks Lance. It's odd seeing you defending me've told me to kill myself multiple times before...Lolz.
i have too much to live for
when are you gonna stop making up random stories?
Oh, you mean sitting in your room all day, like you told me? These aren't random stories and you damn well know it, you've told me all of this before.
lets not get over dramatic here
Edit: Wrong thread.
i didnt know it was because of jamie. this is news to me.
the only thing true in there is i sat in my room all day, thats it soo...