I work about 45 mins from home and Shane goes in 11-7 and I'm scheduled 3-7. Now, due to the one car needing repair I have to ride in w/ Shane and sit in break room for 4 hours (thank god for wifi) or they're gonna send someone home early and leave me to do everything myself when my back is killing me.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
you should ask someone who gets off at 3 if they wanted to go home early. that's what I would have done. When I worked at McD's there was always people wanting to get out of work.
I remember this one week everyone wanted off so I was picking up mad hours. Anyways I told the head manager that I couldnt take a 8 hour friday closing shift becuase that would put me at 40 and I was closing saturday. So he was like "you can have 8 hours OT". Anyways the next day the closing manager who was a bitch was like "joel, why the fuck do you already have 40 hours and you are closing!" and I was like "stfu. chris approved it." And she was like "well I want to to clock out now, and then come back at 12 to do all closing work." and I said "nope. you are free to let me go early, but once you do I no longer need to return. I promise you if you let me go early, I will not be back at midnight." she being a bitch said "fine, you will be suspended then". Anyways, she let me go 4 hours early, I didnt come back, she tried to get me suspended, and chris the head manager called her an idiot and said it wasnt legal to send someone home and then ask them to come back... they are under no obligation. it was awesome. she was a bitch. I dont know why I just wrote this all out. lol
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
it was funny because they were so fucked. no one but the bitch knew how to close the grill area since she sent me home. And so she had to do my work, and her work which made her work until 4am (that is what she bitched to the head manager about) "all because Joel didnt come back at midnight". I was like "lol salary bitch"
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
sometimes I miss working minimum wage. the best was when bosses asked me to do work outside of my job description and I'd literally just laugh at them and say "dude. you pay me minimum wage! lol. like I'd do *that* for 3.25 an hour. gtfo"
sometimes I miss working minimum wage. the best was when bosses asked me to do work outside of my job description and I'd literally just laugh at them and say "dude. you pay me minimum wage! lol. like I'd do *that* for 3.25 an hour. gtfo"
Well at least they have wi-fi so I'm pretty good here w/ my laptop. I showed up at 11, dropped Shane off and went and cleaned the car really good. It's slow and everyone else is lacking hours so I'll just sit in the break room and eat a fruit ant walnut salad. Friday I'm scheduled 12:30-4 but the one girl already said she's calling out Friday night (she got injured last Friday here unloading the truck) so I'll probably stay till 7 that day w/ Shane.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
When the Native Americans ruled this land, there were no taxes, no debt, plenty of buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water, women did all the work, Medicine man was free, and the Indian men spent all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex.
"Only White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that"
It'll be uploaded eventually.
I remember this one week everyone wanted off so I was picking up mad hours. Anyways I told the head manager that I couldnt take a 8 hour friday closing shift becuase that would put me at 40 and I was closing saturday. So he was like "you can have 8 hours OT". Anyways the next day the closing manager who was a bitch was like "joel, why the fuck do you already have 40 hours and you are closing!" and I was like "stfu. chris approved it." And she was like "well I want to to clock out now, and then come back at 12 to do all closing work." and I said "nope. you are free to let me go early, but once you do I no longer need to return. I promise you if you let me go early, I will not be back at midnight." she being a bitch said "fine, you will be suspended then". Anyways, she let me go 4 hours early, I didnt come back, she tried to get me suspended, and chris the head manager called her an idiot and said it wasnt legal to send someone home and then ask them to come back... they are under no obligation. it was awesome. she was a bitch. I dont know why I just wrote this all out. lol
"Only White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)