My new kitten. I took his play tent away because he was sitting under it clawing at my feet so he decided to jump up on my laptop and attack my fingers as I typed and then jump off which caused my laptop to fall on the ground. While I was trying to take a nap today he took my drawer that was open and pushed it out until the drawer and everything in it fell onto the ground. I can't wait till he grows up.
We once had a roommate in PA (she was 17 when she moved in, was my "freshman" from HS) that would invite guys over that she's never met before. Literally, she would talk to a guy for about 15 minutes off of CL and say "Hey, wanna come over and fuck?" Quite annoying when I'd come home from work and go in my kitchen and there's a strange guy in it and I ask him how he knows my roommate and they never once could come up w/a decent story.
So were mine last year. His friends would come over and play Halo 3 and even though I'd lock my door, every ten seconds or less, I'd hear OH YOU FUCKING CUNTWHORE!!! SHIT FUCKER!!!! GODDAMNIT YOU FUCKING TWATSUCKER!!
So its my fault that we didn't get to go to the movies today even though I didn't know we were going to my grandmas after we ate. I found out last minute so we ended up not going. Even though I didn't know I still get bitched at and made it seemed like it was my fault even though I didn't know. Shit is getting old man.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)