:O It's weird to hear a girl saying she was never sexually satisfied. It is so much more common to hear the dudes complaining about not ever getting enough. In general guys want sex 10x more then girls want sex (in my experience). I've never met a girl who wanted sex more frequently then I wanted it.
I dated a girl who actually wanted to have sex more than me which is ALOT lol. But turns out she really liked sex and decided to cheat on me with 7 guys throughout our 1 1/2 years of dating and one of them went on for about 6 months i guess. I've been with the girl im with now going on 7 months and honestly shit couldnt be better . Leah just take your time relax have a bit of fun and when your ready get back into the game. Your young you got plenty of time.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Yup...times where it's just me living alone. I'm done with this shit...I'll just die by myself with my couple of cats and a dog or two in the middle of nowhere haha!
That and a husky I wouldn't mind. And I have 0 plans on getting back into the game...I really don't give a shit to put myself in a position to get hurt again. Took me 6-7 years to take that chance after the last time and look wtf happened. I even remember when he said he'd never hurt me and I'd have nothing to worry about because he loves me so much....yup..it shows..
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I even remember when he said he'd never hurt me and I'd have nothing to worry about because he loves me so much....yup..it shows..
Perhaps now you will believe that isn't realistic. Anyone promising you that they will never hurt you, is a liar. Anyone promising you that they wont break your heart, is not being realistic. That is the point of dating... to open yourself up and discover if this person is someone you can make those promises too. It is a time to discover if this person is someone you can work together with to making a relationship work.
I'm okay with you believing you are done with love. I know that is exactly how I would be for a real long time. And I would believe that thought with everything I am... But time will eat away and crumble that wall. I know that now. You dont need to believe me, I am only stating it as a universal truth I have come to discover, but I am fine with you believing you are immune to this truth.
I tried to make it work...he wouldn't listen to shit I'd have to say and all those things I've said before. He's even went as far before as to tell me bringing me down here twice should sho how much ge loves me...and that's bullshit. If he truely did love me like I did him, or rather the person he made himself out to be, he would have tried equally as hard..listened to me...worked on maturing and improving himself outside and in..but no. I was the one who was wrong and I'm sure that to him I am the only reason we fell apart.
But then again he probably doesn't give two shits that we failed. I know that little bitch is already looking for new chicks to hook up with
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I tried to make it work..
Oh I know Leah. Making a relationship work requires effort from both parties, and unfortunately you are on the receiving end of Marc checking out of the relationship before you did. There isnt anything you can do about it now, and you shouldn't take his action as any sort of negative reflection of you. Some people aren't compatible or relationship material, and it's unfortunate you had to go through so many breakups and hard times to finally understand this. It's not important why it ultimately ended, but it is important to just distance yourself and start discrediting anything you two had. I feel you are on the right road, but the hurt isnt going to heal over night... it takes time. hang in there girl. Things will get better. >:D<
I wish I could sleep but I can't...my stomach feels horrible...my mind won't stfu about anything..I'm anxious...pissed as hell. Goddammit man
I'm okay with you believing you are done with love. I know that is exactly how I would be for a real long time. And I would believe that thought with everything I am... But time will eat away and crumble that wall. I know that now. You dont need to believe me, I am only stating it as a universal truth I have come to discover, but I am fine with you believing you are immune to this truth.
But then again he probably doesn't give two shits that we failed. I know that little bitch is already looking for new chicks to hook up with
^leahs pussae
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Here it is when I chat with her
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)