GOD DAMN IT! My brother might not be able to go to Mayhem on Sunday because my dad needs help moving. So, I posted a thing on facebook about possibly selling the ticket and who sends me a message wanting it? My ex. Fucking damn it.
Ummm I believe I requested the ticket.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Just got an immense pain in my side and I don't know what it's from.
Dood stabler, I have been dealing with the same shit. All up my right side has been hurting all week. I think its just from not working for a while then going back and lifting heavy shit I might have pulled something, but the last 2days. I been feeling better. Did you do some kind of heavy lifting or activity where you could have fucked yourself up?
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
Just got an immense pain in my side and I don't know what it's from.
Dood stabler, I have been dealing with the same shit. All up my right side has been hurting all week. I think its just from not working for a while then going back and lifting heavy shit I might have pulled something, but the last 2days. I been feeling better. Did you do some kind of heavy lifting or activity where you could have fucked yourself up?
Not really. I carry around somewhat heavy bags of fencing equipment for work, but it's never bothered me before.
Just got an immense pain in my side and I don't know what it's from.
Dood stabler, I have been dealing with the same shit. All up my right side has been hurting all week. I think its just from not working for a while then going back and lifting heavy shit I might have pulled something, but the last 2days. I been feeling better. Did you do some kind of heavy lifting or activity where you could have fucked yourself up?
Not really. I carry around somewhat heavy bags of fencing equipment for work, but it's never bothered me before.
Give it like a week, if it doesnt feel better, go see a Dr.
Dood stabler, I have been dealing with the same shit. All up my right side has been hurting all week. I think its just from not working for a while then going back and lifting heavy shit I might have pulled something, but the last 2days. I been feeling better. Did you do some kind of heavy lifting or activity where you could have fucked yourself up?
i had something similar a few years back. i thought it was gas pain, but it ended up being my appendix bursting. shit almost killed me