I have a feeling I might be quitting my fucking job this weekend. The motherfuckers cannot understand the concept of me NOT BEING ABLE TO WORK PAST 11PM!!! THEY SCHEDULE ME TO WORK TILL 2AM!!!! AND THEY FUCKING SCHEDULE ME DURING MAYHEMFEST!!!! Sorry, I am fucking livid right now. I've been having scheduling problems with these fucktards the entire time I've worked for them. I have only a month left working there anyway. I AM NOT going to put up with this shit. They told me to call back later to "see what they can do" but they aren't going to do motherfucking shit. I am so done with this. If they don't find someone to cover me on Sunday, I'm not showing up. Fuck this. They don't pay me much anyway.
That reminds me... I have to either change my availability at this Target or put in a transfer request... like now. I go back to ASU in just over two weeks.
Exactly. My dad said to just quit. I didn't yet though because the manager on tonight is my best friend. If I quit to her, eek.
That reminds me... I have to either change my availability at this Target or put in a transfer request... like now. I go back to ASU in just over two weeks.
GOD DAMN IT! My brother might not be able to go to Mayhem on Sunday because my dad needs help moving. So, I posted a thing on facebook about possibly selling the ticket and who sends me a message wanting it? My ex. Fucking damn it.
1D_for_lifePosts: 13,785destroyer of motherfuckers
GOD DAMN IT! My brother might not be able to go to Mayhem on Sunday because my dad needs help moving. So, I posted a thing on facebook about possibly selling the ticket and who sends me a message wanting it? My ex. Fucking damn it.
Why don't you block your ex if it makes you that upset if he contacts you?
GOD DAMN IT! My brother might not be able to go to Mayhem on Sunday because my dad needs help moving. So, I posted a thing on facebook about possibly selling the ticket and who sends me a message wanting it? My ex. Fucking damn it.
Why don't you block your ex if it makes you that upset if he contacts you?
He doesn't upset me. He's just fucking annoying. And I forgot to block him this time.
you should get another job before you quit though.
is it sharp?