So for my English final, me and a partner are supposed to give a presentation on a certain technology, giving a thesis, pro, cons, etc. We need 4 articles where we're gathering our informatino and such. So my partner volunteers to do the PowerPoint for us. Instead of creating a PowerPoint that show that we've got a vast knowledge of our material, that sites pros, cons, and examples of home recording devices(what he was supposed to do) he makes a shitty, 5th grade level PowerPoint that's basically just explaining what home recording is, giving examples of certain home recording programs, and a list of artist/producers that use said programs, which is the exact opposite of what my teacher wants. So now I've bascially gotta redo that whole fucking thing.
Yea wake up at 330 out the door and in morning I speed so I make it there in abou t35 minutes, in afternoon takes me 45 or more to get home. It sucks but I need to keep a steady job until after college.
I don't understand why they'd trim them along the road unless power lines were near the branches. In that pic there isn't any. The people that live across the street from me do that to both their silver maples every year so they don't get like the crazy ass 100+ foot ones we have in our back yard <_>
Oh and the last few pages nearly gave me a migraine. I should have just Will'd.
This shit.