I have a really loud ringing in my ears. Right ear I can only hear loud ringing. Left ear is ringing w/ the noise of everything else. I dunno if I could go to a concert like this. Amon Amarth might kill me before the ENT doc.
I'm not sure if my brain can handle that at this hour. I might be a smartass and do it on radio tomorrow.
lol do it. I'll be listening as late as my "school in the morning" conscious allows me to stay awake :P
Are you in the same time zone as us? I normally don't get back to my dorm until 3...sleep around 4:30 and I have to get up at 8 for class at 9:50 on another campus.
Yes. Same timezone. Rough, ain't it? Fuckers just HAD to give me the Wednesday slot.
yeah that sucks =/ I'll be able to stay up and listen more comfortably after April 14th cause that's when my morning classes are done but your show probably doesn't run all summer does it?
Nope. I think I'm done May 4th/May 5th. I'm going home on the 6th. I could technically stay around till May 22nd...but fuck that shite.
Then glare at her