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  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,818 spicy boy
    I’ve done that with addy before lol
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    The fact that Hot Topic sells convention exclusive pops at 5 per person. Get fucked
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    edited March 2019
    new corporate overlords fucked us on pay after all. no $8/hr raise, just 4 and no tips now. other shops in the city do this new wage PLUS tips. absolutely no benefit to taking away customers ability to tip workers when it doesnt cut into profits and theyre happy to do it. our managers even went in and protested it but the corporate big pigs said no, saying that maybe the customers would "turn around and spend that on more weed"

    yeah, because after a transaction is finished, youre gonna wanna go back around, check back in, wait, and find out a way to use $1 when we dont sell anything for less than $7  -_-

    shitty way to treat your workers imo.

    gonna find a new shop closer to home.
    I love winning with women
  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,464 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I don't tip the guy I get bud from. He usually throws me some extra just cuz.
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    I don't tip the guy I get bud from. He usually throws me some extra just cuz.
    just cuz u sukkt himz dikk


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,464 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Speak English retard
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    this iz texting dipshitz


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • Number1RamsFanNumber1RamsFan Posts: 9,464 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Everything you type, I read with an autistic voice in my head because I imagine that's what you sound like IRL.
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    one of my favorite nearby bars burned down this morning :(
    I love winning with women
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    When you spend $150 to go to a concert, make sure a week before the people that said they're gonna go are still going, then the day before you get hit with "well ____ has to work tomorrow and she said she'll text me when she's done." Like..I couldn't have been told this earlier than the day before? is that? We'd have to leave by 2 to get there on time since it's in Cleveland and I have to be there before 5. I'd just drive myself up there but I won't have a car in time to get there by 5 anyway. Fuck 
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    What show 
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Cradle and Wednesday 13 in Cleveland. If they were in Pittsburgh none of this would have been an issue. But they're cunts that haven't played Pittsburgh in 15 years
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I thought for a minute you meant the ticket alone was $150 I was like what the hell
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    edited March 2019
    I got discounted tickets in Jan for 25 each. But I only bought VIP recently after I made sure they were 100% going, we could leave on time, and I would be at the venue by 5. Then I got that message today out of nowhere. Super fucking shitty. Like..I don't even have time to find someone else that could go now
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    do u ever stop bitchin


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I got discounted tickets in Jan for 25 each. But I only bought VIP recently after I made sure they were 100% going, we could leave on time, and I would be at the venue by 5. Then I got that message today out of nowhere. Super fucking shitty. Like..I don't even have time to find someone else that could go now
    I hate to give you this advise because that bad is awful....

    but couple of options
    1. Hitchhike? I’m sure as a girl you won’t have issues getting a ride. I’ve done it before. NBD. 
    2. Take an Uber and make sure your friends can bring you home at least 
    3. Take the bus and make sure your friends can bring you home at least 
    4. Post on craigslist for a ride. Attach a boob pic, prob get better response rate 
    5. If you can stomic it, go on a cof fan site and try hard to be nice and hide that they are all retards. Put your sob story of not having a ride there. Bet someone offers it. This option really sucks though cause you gotta ride with someone who is a fan of cof. Just hitchhike 
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Two of those sound like you're encouraging her to solicit herself 
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I've never witnessed someone misspelling stomach like that before. That being said, I have none of those options. The only thing that would make this work is if Chris doesn't go to school today. I'm more pissed off at the fact that the day before the show I'm told of shit that should have been revealed to me earlier. Because that's bs
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Yes it is. 
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
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