The detection of Shrooms in drug tests. Even the most extended drug panel tests will not specifically test for the psychoactive substances found in mushrooms. However, it is possible to specifically look for these substances in your system, by ordering special toxicology tests.
Yes, Im aware it's not impossible to detect.... I was really just saying what your C&P said. The standard drug test your employer might give you wont detect it. They are looking for Weed and Coke and shit like that.
So yeah... Dont go around your work bragging to your boss that you eat shrooms, and he can't prove it... because yes, he can order a special test to bust you. For some reason, Shrooms isnt all that popular these days. I dont know why.
Because it's a schedule I drug and if you get caught with a lot of shrooms, you're going to jail for a long ass time.
All 3 are tools that in all seriousness could help MC sort through a lot of his issues, but at this time I feel like he is only mentally ready to try Cannabis.
He's so damn repressed right now I fear what shrooms would do to him.
For some reason ever since freshman year of college, every time I smoke I feel like seperate waves of thought processes are fighting for overall control of my mind/body, and I could consciously perceive it.
Hive mind basically Felt like a precursor to hearing voices
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The boy ain't ready for that shit yet. Gotta crawl before you run ultra marathons.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
He's so damn repressed right now I fear what shrooms would do to him.
Hive mind basically
Felt like a precursor to hearing voices