I actually work in a call center, but I only take inbound calls and I work in servicing in our financial dept. So that basically means I'm not allowed to provide advice, and I'm not allowed to sell in any way shape or form. They have to have already made up their minds or speak with their agent.
Plus, the supervisors in our dept don't really give a fuck about call metrics (time spent on a call, post-call, time on hold, etc). It's all logged, but they don't really care unless you're like chilling 20-30+ min after a call is over without taking another. It's cushy AF. Plus I get paid well enough and got benefits.
Edit: Oh and pretty much zero dress code. I come to work in a hoodie and jeans every day. #swag
I get that. I don't mind it so much cause it beats the shit out of doing customer service face to face with the public. If I wanna flip off the asshole I'm talking to, I can, it's just at a computer screen instead of in their face.
Yeah I really hate my job security, comfy work environment, decent pay, full benefits, and the ability to make plans far in advance since I get every weekend and Thursday off. It sucks.
He's just an SJW asshat who treats feminism like a religion. He cares more about his ideology than anything else. Ideology in politics is bad, no matter if its Christianity, or secular religions.
denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.
No shit. I don't mean an actual spiritual religion. I'm referring to how ideologies like feminism have gotten so out of control that they are treated like religions. The doctrine is completely secular, but its just as irrational and fear based as any traditional religion. Its the same shit.
It really hasn't gotten "outta control". It's jus psycho ass broads who think their tweets change the fact that it's a man's world. You jus love fixating on shit that pisses you off hence why you a miserable piece of shit.
It really hasn't gotten "outta control". It's jus psycho ass broads who think their tweets change the fact that it's a man's world. You jus love fixating on shit that pisses you off hence why you a miserable piece of shit.
You're an issue too. Its not a "mans world". And it shouldn't be. And promoting that is proving their "patriarchy" bullshit correct.
The problem I have is that feminism, and other regressive SJW ideologies is gaining serious traction. Its entering politics, media, journalism, entertainment, college campuses, etc. Every day there is a protest based in an ideology. People have gotten arrested for speaking out against them. Feminists are getting men fired from their jobs for arguing with them on social media. Radical feminists regularly meet at the UN for fucks sake. Schools are promoting these ideologies as fact, and are censoring, banning, and eliminating the voices of anyone who disagrees with them. Games, TV, and movies are self censoring to avoid being attacked by the Tumblr horde. It literally parallels religion in every way. Another McCarthyism/Witch Hunt public scare.
That's a very general statement about what is going on, but you don't think things are getting out of control? Fuck off.
Yeah I really hate my job security, comfy work environment, decent pay, full benefits, and the ability to make plans far in advance since I get every weekend and Thursday off. It sucks.
Plus, the supervisors in our dept don't really give a fuck about call metrics (time spent on a call, post-call, time on hold, etc). It's all logged, but they don't really care unless you're like chilling 20-30+ min after a call is over without taking another. It's cushy AF. Plus I get paid well enough and got benefits.
Edit: Oh and pretty much zero dress code. I come to work in a hoodie and jeans every day. #swag
Im not even sure what I do 1/2 the time honesty. All I know is that we kee growing so I'm gonna ride the train to where every for now.
The problem I have is that feminism, and other regressive SJW ideologies is gaining serious traction. Its entering politics, media, journalism, entertainment, college campuses, etc. Every day there is a protest based in an ideology. People have gotten arrested for speaking out against them. Feminists are getting men fired from their jobs for arguing with them on social media. Radical feminists regularly meet at the UN for fucks sake. Schools are promoting these ideologies as fact, and are censoring, banning, and eliminating the voices of anyone who disagrees with them. Games, TV, and movies are self censoring to avoid being attacked by the Tumblr horde. It literally parallels religion in every way. Another McCarthyism/Witch Hunt public scare.
That's a very general statement about what is going on, but you don't think things are getting out of control? Fuck off.