Bro I live in Perrysburg. Shoot me a call and I could have walked to pick it up. Why it gotta be like that. They just didn't want me to get my white denim preorder early bitches
Inb4 Rex tries to explain why it happened. I know why it happened lol I live at the largest intersection of interstates in the US. FedEx and UPS both have freight and regular box shipping facilities here. It's not extremely common but it does happen.
this girl who calls out a lot finally got fired this week. kinda bummed cuz when she did show up she was a good worker and we're kinda short staffed. also she was hot
We had a guy that got away with being a minimum 20 minutes late every day plus the wildcard 2-4 hours late or no call no show once or twice a week because he's an alcoholic dead beat dad for over a year. Completely obliterated all morale and made everybody just want to quit. Makes you feel like your wasting your time showing up every day on time when you know they're perfectly fine letting shit like that go
I had to close this Saturday because the original closer had a funeral to go to. My hand was forced because I closed today and if I refused to take the Saturday shift I'd only be fucking myself.
In-service was annoying as shit last night. Led things off with a 100 yard swim which is actually less than usual, but I was the first in the water and had 3 swim team kids behind me. I had to go max speed to avoid bumping into them and I was beat by the end of it. We followed that up with a rescue relay and I got to rescue the 5ft tall 300lb blimp and I have no idea how she has a lifeguard certification. I swam her across the pool fine but my thighs were on fire afterwards. My director decides the next "game" is using 4 person teams to transport a 100+lb bench across the pool without it touching the water. Of course it got dropped on another one of the guard's heads and we got yelled at despite it being a bullshit exercise in the first place.
Got a ticket a month or so back for not moving my car out of the resident lot for them to plow and then bring it back an hour later. I've been trying to pay online but it hasn't been letting me. Since I leave things till last second, I call this morning to see if I can bring it in to the tribunal to pay the ticket. They say I waited too long and I now have to show up to the court date tomorrow morning.
It's not my damn fault they wouldn't take my goddamn money
So I also had to tell my boss that I couldn't cover a shift that I told him I would, he tells me to find coverage and I do for most of the shift and he's still pissy at me
It's not my damn fault they wouldn't take my goddamn money
I almost feel like I have to say yes to coming in every time, at this point.