Most people I know that have been in the military hate it now that they're out of it. But every one of them misses some aspect of it. Whether it was the pay, the travel, the people they were around or what. But any of them who have been deployed, their whole view changed. And usually their personality as well
I know this one guy that joined the marines because he flunked outta college. He's weird cuz he's a second generation hippie that drives a Prius (something one of my other military friends constantly rags on him for). But he ended up being an officer and got exposed to some shit in Iraq. He has pretty bad ptsd and is known to freak out and disappear for months on end now. He told me a story about them testing this armor piercing round that they would shoot into the side of tanks and it would liquefy the people inside of it. He said they did it to an entire row of tanks one day and his squad was enlisted to go check all of them to make sure they worked. He hates the military with a passion now. Otherwise, everyone else I know that was military is a warmongering douchebag. Funny thing is that most of them never saw much combat. One dickhead that grew up down the street from my parents is totally gay about the fact that he was a marine, but my brother found out from his ex girlfriend that he never even came close to action but instead just did maintenance on helicopters. Hoofuckingra
Yeah, I've come to find that most of the ones with that 'Merica mentality never did much while they were in. The ones that have and seen combat are changed. Not only on their view of the military but on a personal level as well. And chances are they have some level of ptsd because of what they seen or were ordered to do. I never even been enlisted and I hate the military. And I've been nudged by multiple people to join since I was in HS. Lolnothanks
One of my childhood best friends is a mechanic in the air force and the other is a sherrif. Neither really wanted those career paths but they didnt go to college or learn any skills.
They're both complete douchebags now. Acting like all of the murrica idiots and posting shit constantly on facebook. It makes me sick.
My best friend is in the marines. He's super into fitness so he initially did it as a challenge. His main complaint about boot camp was that he lost some of his gains. He ended up going to some language academy and it doesn't seem like he'll be seeing any combat which is good. He fucking hates it tho
but its easy to spot whos a bloodthirsty flag worshipper when you basically put yourself out that way.
They're both complete douchebags now. Acting like all of the murrica idiots and posting shit constantly on facebook. It makes me sick.