That kid p'zowned you in every way possible when it comes to drumming lol. WOW!
I lol'ed.
I thought this shit was going to be a joke after that screaming shit he did. Man was I wrong lol.
......I really hope you have the biggest fucking trollface right now. Kid didn't even do half the speed on the Double Bass and he fucked everything else up, plus he's a straight up fag.
That kid p'zowned you in every way possible when it comes to drumming lol. WOW!
I lol'ed.
I thought this shit was going to be a joke after that screaming shit he did. Man was I wrong lol.
......I really hope you have the biggest fucking trollface right now. Kid didn't even do half the speed on the Double Bass and he fucked everything else up, plus he's a straight up fag.
He double basses better then you man lol. Kid is funny.
lol idk. All i got was, "this song is for one person. His name is *crazy ass bitch scream*...............OIHFHSF0DNF80DBF0HDS0FDF80BSD0BFDSBF0HDSF08DS0FB0DFBF80D"
That kid p'zowned you in every way possible when it comes to drumming lol. WOW!
I lol'ed.
I thought this shit was going to be a joke after that screaming shit he did. Man was I wrong lol.
......I really hope you have the biggest fucking trollface right now. Kid didn't even do half the speed on the Double Bass and he fucked everything else up, plus he's a straight up fag.
He double basses better then you man lol. Kid is funny.
Uh no he doesn't, and I don't even think I'm good. But I rape this jackass. Like I said, he doesn't even do HALF the speed of the fast DB in the beginning.
Don't listen to icp karma will get you
Britt: How could you not eat oreoes???
......I really hope you have the biggest fucking trollface right now. Kid didn't even do half the speed on the Double Bass and he fucked everything else up, plus he's a straight up fag.