nope the Packs are just that good. Now imagine if they had Rodgers who knows how to pick apart defenses and extend plays. Pats wouldnt have stood a chance. He almost had a perfect passer rating last night against the leagues best team. Rodgers will murder your inexperienced Pats if they met. Better hope they dont
But ATL was a fluke team. I even told you this when they lost to NOS. You already jinxed your Ravens, your Jets are next. The damage has probably already been done with the Packers.
Not my Ravens when I don't like them so *whistles*
My Jets are going to kill Brady today and I loved what they said, "This is going to be the last time Welker wears his Pats jersey" They are going for the kill and I can't fucking wait.
Not my Ravens when I don't like them so *whistles*
My Jets are going to kill Brady today and I loved what they said, "This is going to be the last time Welker wears his Pats jersey" They are going for the kill and I can't fucking wait.
If you didn't like them, why did you rage when they lost? You obviously cared or you wouldn't have thrown a bitch fit. I won't jinx my Patriots like you jinx all 10 of your teams, but I will say it will be a nice victory in Foxboro for Tom Brady.
Because I wanted them to beat the Steelers cause I hate them. *uses your logic* since you go for everyone that plays the Spurs and Cowboys, your a bandwagon for the whole NBA and NFL lolololol.
Now there's where you're wrong. I only want teams that I know will beat the Spurs and the Cowboys to beat them. After the game, I could care less what they do. You on the other hand will stay with that team until they lose. (Talking about football obviously) In basketball you just stay with the Spurs because they're the only winning team you have.
bahahaha! right. You go for EVERY team they face. Pacers,Clippers, Lions, Cards, and etc. I have stuck with 4 teams all year. Other then that I am a football fan in general and love the sport no matter who is playing. You on the other hand aren't and you sure didn't show up last year when the Pats played. I stay with the Spurs cause that's the only team I love and yes a winning team more then Boston I been with the Cowboys all year so your logic of staying with a team until they lose is false once again just like your logics. Edmund bringing the fail today
I see you're very delusional today. I figured you would since you can't get over the fact that your team is going to lose and you're going to cry. I'm contemplating re-posting my "Marc's bandwagon football teams" post in this thread to maybe wake you up. I could also post a bunch of delusional pictures. I wonder what will be better for Marcos?
There's nothing else you can say to a person who's delusional. Every sport fan on this forum knows you're delusional. Expect your phone to blowup when the Patriots win.
naw mate it's the other way around. Nola knows you a Boston bandwagoner and doesn't want you to be with them. Everyone knows you became a Pats fan after 2002. You are our forum bandwagon and troll
So, why does everyone call you a troll now? Oh yeah, it's because you are one! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I could give a shit what Nola says. Pats fan for years and not changing.
for beating the falcons.
My Jets are going to kill Brady today and I loved what they said, "This is going to be the last time Welker wears his Pats jersey" They are going for the kill and I can't fucking wait.
Stick to MMA. The fans of the NFL and NBA frown upon you.