And what's good mr metal crusades? Actually I don't give a fuck what you say because you proved your ignorance with the neo Nazi skinhead comment. Try keeping your mouth shut before I have to own you once again.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Most of what I listen to his hardcore, sludge metal. deathcore and hardcore have nothing in common, i hate when people always compare the 2. one is an original genre going back to the 70's that's had alot of influence on the entire music scene. the otherone just has breakdowns after breakdowns with some asshole trying to growl deathmetal vocals. but i'll listen to anything, doesnt matter the genre of music or the label, if it's good and I like it, i'm going to listen to it.
Most of what I listen to his hardcore, sludge metal. deathcore and hardcore have nothing in common, i hate when people always compare the 2. one is an original genre going back to the 70's that's had alot of influence on the entire music scene. the otherone just has breakdowns after breakdowns with some asshole trying to growl deathmetal vocals. but i'll listen to anything, doesnt matter the genre of music or the label, if it's good and I like it, i'm going to listen to it.
I will take Hatebreed over any deathcore band, that I am damn sure of.
Carnifex I don't like I've seen them live a couple times. I will say though if they dropped the deathcore act they could probably be an alright death meal band.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
with the exception of Biohazard
then i started listening to other stuff and realized how generic, and not that good it all is.
There are a couple songs i like, but not whole bands.
is better than this Billy Joel masterpiece
Look at the reviews they get.
most hardcore fans are skinheads.
thats why i say Hatebreed is neo-nazi