And here we having a fat Jew haired wild mexican on the white knight defensive. Either you get it done or you don't, bitching and complaining is just a prerequisite to failure.
Stress is a killer man. We are floating on a ball of matter in the middle of fucking no where. the rest of your life does not depend on what you do in school. Sure it may be important to having a good job, but a career is not where happiness comes from.
Whether you like it or not, a career is necessary to live. Id rather work hard and try to get a job I actually enjoy, so it doesnt feel like work, instead of working at a warehouse or desk for my entire life. And its a stressful journey.
No it's not dude. Stressing over a situation you not only put yourself In But also have a ton of control over is asinine. Stress is dangerous man. you have to learn to let it go.
I wish there were like real hippie communes that were actually organized n shit and not just dirty cults lol I would totally check out if society and 99 percent if my stress would float away
Then my time in school would have been a waste. The whole point of school is it makes your chances of getting a job you like/want better. Then it feels less like work.
Id honestly kill myself if I had to work a regular jackoff job.
I forget how young you guys are doe. Very few life experiences to drawn from so it's understandable why it would stress you out so much.
yeah tell that to all the students who are older than you working on their Master's thesis and tell them not to be stressed. Ky. Stress is crucial to progress.
Good point but I would say stress is only crucial if you're able to turn it into a positive feeling and let it be the fuel to your fire to grow in life. Mc is too accepting of failure to let the fear of failure drive him.
Stress is life. Im not smoking ky.
Id honestly kill myself if I had to work a regular jackoff job.
Like 99% of people that go to school work regular jack off jobs lol.
It must be nice having no ambition.
i was working full time it was either eat or go to school.was a pretty easy choice. I am a fat ass.