Yea, and I needed the three days I had off. I was working on shit the whole time. Then projects all weekend. Very little sleep. My audio class is killing me. Feels like two classes just it alone. And Im not doing well in it, so Im very stressed.
And here we having a fat Jew haired wild mexican on the white knight defensive. Either you get it done or you don't, bitching and complaining is just a prerequisite to failure.
Stress is a killer man. We are floating on a ball of matter in the middle of fucking no where. the rest of your life does not depend on what you do in school. Sure it may be important to having a good job, but a career is not where happiness comes from.
No it's not dude. Stressing over a situation you not only put yourself In But also have a ton of control over is asinine. Stress is dangerous man. you have to learn to let it go.
Stress is a killer man. We are floating on a ball of matter in the middle of fucking no where. the rest of your life does not depend on what you do in school. Sure it may be important to having a good job, but a career is not where happiness comes from.
ITT: MC should smoke a joint