They wrote that shit on animal skins. Men picked and chose what to put in the bible and what to leave out. It was assembled together 100 years after "Jesus" died. Go fuck your self.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited December 2014
Nah, Im not quick to denounce history or philosophy. I could never forget our rich history when the great scientist and philosopher Giordano Bruno theoried from his scientific observations that the Sun didn't revolve around the Earth as the Roman Catholic church had proclaimed, but that the Earth and other planets revolved around the SUN. And his crazy theory about how the stars in the sky were other Suns like ours very very far away. And how could I ever forget that the Catholic Church put him on trial for lies against God and the church, made him denounce his theories, and then burned him at the stake for saying it in the first place. And religion hasn't slowed down from their crimes against science in the least.... They stopped using fire, but they have other tactics.
The lack or religion does nothing to stifle morality. The lack of religion only stifles ridiculous rules that religion setup. Like don't have sex, dont eat pork, etc. I challenge you that those rules do not have any impact on any meaningful morality. A true morality is only based in logic. It should have only ever be based on not doing things that would take away others right to choice in life. Like I previously said, as long as what you want to do does not impact another equal right to life, liberty, or property, then what you are doing is moral. If it does take away another equal right to life, liberty, or property then you are being immoral. No other morality is required.
Here is a counter point to your argument against sex. If a man meets a woman on the street and says "Wow, you are pretty, my name is Joel and I'd like to have sex with you" and she responds "Hi Joel, Im Jenn. I think you are cute and would like to have sex with you too... lets go". In this situation who has been hurt? Both Joel and Jenn wanted to have sex because it would bring their life more happiness then not doing it. Anyone besides Jenn and Joel have no consideration into his equation because they have no part of this arrangement. So who exactly does this hurt? Does it hurt your God? Is he up in heaven crying because Jenn and Joel decided to fuck? Does this make any sense to you?
I think the pope is wrong. I do not believe evolution and creation can coexist
Evolution btw is literally proven fact in the scientific community. The theory of evolution is just as proven factual as The Theory of Gravity. Do you also not believe in Gravity? (Im being sarcastic with this question). Anyways, the evidence is so overwhelming... We haven't discovered all secrets of it, but we learn more and more everyday.
You hear creationist say comments like "show me the transitional fossil records" - Okay they exist. We have thousands of examples of micro evolution that has happened in the last hundred years. Bird species that were a few generations away that could no longer mate and produce off spring because of the micro evolutionary drift. They have plotted humans back to the orangutang. How the orangutan has 24 chromosome pairs and humans have 23 pairs and when you compare then 22 of them are IDENTICAL.... and the last one that humans have? It's literally been proven that the two extra pairs in the orangutang merged together to form our 1. This is all scientific fact....
Do you also not believe that the universe is 13.8 billion years old?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
you know what we dont know about evolution that is really a great unknown? How it first started. The very first spark of life in a single celled organism... How did that first spark of life happen? I dont know, the scientific community doesnt know. Maybe God. But I tell you, I put my faith in science finding the answers.
But you're right. I shouldnt care what other people do. And when it comes down to it, I dont. I just use this as guidlines for my own life.
And if my decision to do or not do things doesnt affect others, like you said, why are you so adamant about it?
My goal isnt to change your mind. My goal was to have a discussion and plant the seed to help you come back from your ledge. Believe it or not, I was actually raised in a very religious household. I was very much brainwashed like you, and in fact one of my younger brothers received a BS degree in theology from Eugine bible school cause he wants to be a pastor. I was able to work though my religion turmoil due to my love of education, logic, and science. I didn't expect that my comments would in anyways make you change your mind tonight. But I hoped it would plant the seed and cause you to think more about some of these more challenging concepts. maybe it wont *shrug* but I didnt have much going on tonight and thought I would be a nice guy to you.
The lack or religion does nothing to stifle morality. The lack of religion only stifles ridiculous rules that religion setup. Like don't have sex, dont eat pork, etc. I challenge you that those rules do not have any impact on any meaningful morality. A true morality is only based in logic. It should have only ever be based on not doing things that would take away others right to choice in life. Like I previously said, as long as what you want to do does not impact another equal right to life, liberty, or property, then what you are doing is moral. If it does take away another equal right to life, liberty, or property then you are being immoral. No other morality is required.
Here is a counter point to your argument against sex. If a man meets a woman on the street and says "Wow, you are pretty, my name is Joel and I'd like to have sex with you" and she responds "Hi Joel, Im Jenn. I think you are cute and would like to have sex with you too... lets go". In this situation who has been hurt? Both Joel and Jenn wanted to have sex because it would bring their life more happiness then not doing it. Anyone besides Jenn and Joel have no consideration into his equation because they have no part of this arrangement. So who exactly does this hurt? Does it hurt your God? Is he up in heaven crying because Jenn and Joel decided to fuck? Does this make any sense to you?
You hear creationist say comments like "show me the transitional fossil records" - Okay they exist. We have thousands of examples of micro evolution that has happened in the last hundred years. Bird species that were a few generations away that could no longer mate and produce off spring because of the micro evolutionary drift. They have plotted humans back to the orangutang. How the orangutan has 24 chromosome pairs and humans have 23 pairs and when you compare then 22 of them are IDENTICAL.... and the last one that humans have? It's literally been proven that the two extra pairs in the orangutang merged together to form our 1. This is all scientific fact....
Do you also not believe that the universe is 13.8 billion years old?
And if my decision to do or not do things doesnt affect others, like you said, why are you so adamant about it?