So your acceptance of gays helped shape your ridiculous disgust for everything that has to do with sex? <_>
I know all of you here hate religion. There are a lot of things you all believe in or follow that I hate as well. And even though I don't consider myself "religious" I do consider myself a Christian. And part of that belief is following what it lays out.
Now I have a conflict. I'm not an idiot. And we live in a world of hundreds of different beliefs, dozens of religions, and an increasingly scientific minded society. I am trying to process what I believe in a logical manner. And although not everything makes sense yet, I am trying. In fact, I don't even know what to believe anymore at this point. And in fact I try to avoid using religion in most of my arguments nowadays because most people dismiss it as bullshit.
That being said, I seriously had to sit down and think about why homosexuality would be considered sinful. I am not one of those people who thinks that anyone sin is worse than any other, and I am not one of those people who thinks I am "holier than thou" (even though many of you claim me to be). I fuck up, I sin - just as much as anybody else. I'm far from perfect, or a good person. But I can understand where other wrongs comes from. I had to rationally think about why homosexuality would be considered sinful. And this was my conclusion: Being gay, is not a sin. Loving somebody of your same sex, is not wrong. Many people argue that it is natural (I also think its "natural", but I think its a "evolutionary defect" - but that's another argument). There is nothing wrong with being gay, or not being straight. This issue is in the GAY SEX. Why? Because you can't reproduce. Religious texts were written in a time of large families, and little sexual protection. If you had sex, it was expected that you'd have a kid. Therefore, I believe that if the Bible was re-written today, it would not say homosexuality is sin, but any sex where a child is not conceived is the sin. That was my rationale at the time a few years ago.
That was the start of it. The idea that sex without the intent of creation is morally wrong. You don't have to agree with me, I don't expect you to.
The rest evolved from that. I may be a little "fucked up". I don't care. Sex has increasingly begun to disgust me. I see how it corrupts and changes people, obsesses their thoughts. And I want no part of that. I have enough addictions and unhealthy habits of my own as it is.
Oh, and couples have begun to annoy the ever-living-shit out of me.
I find this whole line of logic reasoning suffocating and extremely Christianity brainwashing at its finest. It makes me want to grab you and shake the every loving shit out of you hoping you wake up from this nightmare of a prison you've created for yourself. And I understand you don't see the shackles or comprehend the enormity of what Christianity has done with you....
But Fuck it. I don't care. Enjoy your shitty life you've concocted for yourself while you worship at the shrine of Lies (yes... stealing a line of lyrics there)
I dont care that you see it as brainwashing. It isn't. I'm not blindly following what some priest says. In fact my views are pretty radical for most Christians. And I don't care that you see it as self-imprisonment. It isn't. I don't see rules and regulations as confining as y'all do. Merely guidelines for how I want to live.
I think your hatred is a little irrational. Just as my hatred for, say, feminism is also probably irrational. I don't blame you. Just saying.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited December 2014
my hatred for the idea of God? If not, define what hatred of mine you think is irrational?
It's like you don't understand how brainwashing works. I'll try and explain it for you.... Your entire life you have been told countless times who God is and why he hates the various things humans have the choice to do. You grew up with these lies being factual, in the exact same way someone would grow up thinking the sky was red if all his parents/teachers/friends called blue "red". Just because someone is indoctrinated thinking the sky is red, does not mean that the sky is indeed red.
You think "I've made my own opinions on God, and have formed my own morals", yet your morality was already founded on a mountain of lies. So what if you moved things around and think you've found your own more correct version of God.... It's still not based on your own thoughts. You say it's your choice you feel the way you do about Sex, but it's only that way because you've been indoctrinated in that God bullshit. 100% fact, if you hadnt been brainwashed with the Jesus bullshit, you would not have that same opinion on sex that you do today. Why? Because you wouldnt have ever made that leap to it being wrong....
There are countless questions you could start asking yourself to wade though the bullshit. It's hard for me to really get you the right questions so you could start wading though the bullshit. some might be
1. questioning ridiculous bible stories that you know can't possibly be true because you know how the world works now. 2. thinking along the lines of "If there is a God. Why isnt there two. where did he come from? Does it even make sense that that a God exists?" 3. reading up on evolution 4. reading up on space and the big bang.
perhaps none of those will get you there. It's hard for me to really zero in on something to help you really get out of the bullshit.
my hatred for the idea of God? If not, define what hatred of mine you think is irrational?
It's like you don't understand how brainwashing works. I'll try and explain it for you.... Your entire life you have been told countless times who God is and why he hates the various things humans have the choice to do. You grew up with these lies being factual, in the exact same way someone would grow up thinking the sky was red if all his parents/teachers/friends called blue "red". Just because someone is indoctrinated thinking the sky is red, does not mean that the sky is indeed red.
You think "I've made my own opinions on God, and have formed my own morals", yet your morality was already founded on a mountain of lies. So what if you moved things around and think you've found your own more correct version of God.... It's still not based on your own thoughts. You say it's your choice you feel the way you do about Sex, but it's only that way because you've been indoctrinated in that God bullshit. 100% fact, if you hadnt been brainwashed with the Jesus bullshit, you would not have that same opinion on sex that you do today. Why? Because you wouldnt have ever made that leap to it being wrong....
There are countless questions you could start asking yourself to wade though the bullshit. It's hard for me to really get you the right questions so you could start wading though the bullshit. some might be
1. questioning ridiculous bible stories that you know can't possibly be true because you know how the world works now. 2. thinking along the lines of "If there is a God. Why isnt there two. where did he come from? Does it even make sense that that a God exists?" 3. reading up on evolution 4. reading up on space and the big bang.
perhaps none of those will get you there. It's hard for me to really zero in on something to help you really get out of the bullshit.
Yes your views on God. There are some bad Christians out there, but there are some people that have done some really good things with their Christian background as well. And if you disagree with that than you are an idiot.
I have my set of questions. Believe me.
I have read some into evolution, and the big bang. And I actually think the big bang and creationism can co-exist. I'm not sure how I feel about evolution.
As for morality, morality can not exist without SOME sort of entity proposing morality within us. Even if it is not the Christian God. It could be any cosmic being. Morality is something that we are born with, inherently. Not that we are taught. If it was some construct developed by humans then it is flawed, as humans are flawed. And then morality is just a construct of those in power, and something that is created by an individual and unique to each person. If thats true, and people create their own morality, then everything and anything should be considered ethical. Even murder. It is because the majority of us have inherent virtues that I believe that SOMETHING bigger than us is out there.
my hatred for the idea of God? If not, define what hatred of mine you think is irrational?
It's like you don't understand how brainwashing works. I'll try and explain it for you.... Your entire life you have been told countless times who God is and why he hates the various things humans have the choice to do. You grew up with these lies being factual, in the exact same way someone would grow up thinking the sky was red if all his parents/teachers/friends called blue "red". Just because someone is indoctrinated thinking the sky is red, does not mean that the sky is indeed red.
You think "I've made my own opinions on God, and have formed my own morals", yet your morality was already founded on a mountain of lies. So what if you moved things around and think you've found your own more correct version of God.... It's still not based on your own thoughts. You say it's your choice you feel the way you do about Sex, but it's only that way because you've been indoctrinated in that God bullshit. 100% fact, if you hadnt been brainwashed with the Jesus bullshit, you would not have that same opinion on sex that you do today. Why? Because you wouldnt have ever made that leap to it being wrong....
There are countless questions you could start asking yourself to wade though the bullshit. It's hard for me to really get you the right questions so you could start wading though the bullshit. some might be
1. questioning ridiculous bible stories that you know can't possibly be true because you know how the world works now. 2. thinking along the lines of "If there is a God. Why isnt there two. where did he come from? Does it even make sense that that a God exists?" 3. reading up on evolution 4. reading up on space and the big bang.
perhaps none of those will get you there. It's hard for me to really zero in on something to help you really get out of the bullshit.
Yes your views on God. There are some bad Christians out there, but there are some people that have done some really good things with their Christian background as well. And if you disagree with that than you are an idiot.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
You've misunderstood the source of my hatred. The main source of my hatred is that the concept (which is a lie), is used to block the progression of society and technology. You even showcased this in your response about evolution. Christianity has told you that God formed Adam from mud, and now you are quick to dismiss substantial proven factual evidence because it spits in the face your Jesus idea (which is a lie). Yes I also hate how religion is used to persecute homosexuals and justify planes being flown into towers.... but it's more the widespread ignorance against science and technological advancement that I hate.
And so that's where I am coming from when I talk with you about these topics. I don't really care if you want to wallow in this foolish ignorance and make choices that handicap your life. What bothers me is how widespread the epidemic is and how because it's so widespread it stifles societies and technologies eventual advancement.
I don't disagree that there are positive aspects of the message in the bible. Specifically the main concept of the bible is that you should treat others as you'd want to be treated. Countless stories of Jesus putting others far ahead of himself. This message is very positive and I encourage more people to have it...... but MC, lets get real. You don't need to believe in make believe God figures to realize the merit in that idea. I wouldnt be surprised if there were even earlier recorded documents on that very concept that predates the bible which would make the use in the bible no unique nor all that original.
Lastly you are dead wrong. morality does exist without someone imposing some sort of will within you. There does not need to be God to have morals. This thing you want to call morality is actually just logic. We have logic because our brains have evolved with the intelligence we have today. You have morality because you were brainwashed into believing there is a God, and then you used your intelligence to comprehend that brainwashing, and then you use that as a basis to for your morality. I on the other hand started with Logic and logically worked out in my brain that I am free to do what I want in life as long as i dont infringe on anothers equal right to life. This is done by not taking their past, present, or future which is done by not stealing, putting someone in slavery, or killing someone. That forms the basis of my morality and it wasn't formed via brain washing or by some mystical being, but by logic that is a consequence of billions of years of evolution.
You say that religion stifles technological and scientific advancement. I say that the lack of stifles and even opposes morality. Sometimes you have to forgo advancement to preserve piety.
Science is not the be-all end-all. People are too quick to denounce history and philosophy.
black13 percent of America
so yea stat is useless
me: sure, how about the chandler (closest) one?
gf: can we do the gilbert (much further) one?
But Fuck it. I don't care. Enjoy your shitty life you've concocted for yourself while you worship at the shrine of Lies (yes... stealing a line of lyrics there)
I think your hatred is a little irrational. Just as my hatred for, say, feminism is also probably irrational. I don't blame you. Just saying.
It's like you don't understand how brainwashing works. I'll try and explain it for you.... Your entire life you have been told countless times who God is and why he hates the various things humans have the choice to do. You grew up with these lies being factual, in the exact same way someone would grow up thinking the sky was red if all his parents/teachers/friends called blue "red". Just because someone is indoctrinated thinking the sky is red, does not mean that the sky is indeed red.
You think "I've made my own opinions on God, and have formed my own morals", yet your morality was already founded on a mountain of lies. So what if you moved things around and think you've found your own more correct version of God.... It's still not based on your own thoughts. You say it's your choice you feel the way you do about Sex, but it's only that way because you've been indoctrinated in that God bullshit. 100% fact, if you hadnt been brainwashed with the Jesus bullshit, you would not have that same opinion on sex that you do today. Why? Because you wouldnt have ever made that leap to it being wrong....
There are countless questions you could start asking yourself to wade though the bullshit. It's hard for me to really get you the right questions so you could start wading though the bullshit. some might be
1. questioning ridiculous bible stories that you know can't possibly be true because you know how the world works now.
2. thinking along the lines of "If there is a God. Why isnt there two. where did he come from? Does it even make sense that that a God exists?"
3. reading up on evolution
4. reading up on space and the big bang.
perhaps none of those will get you there. It's hard for me to really zero in on something to help you really get out of the bullshit.
edit - i know where you live... But hell that's close to you!
I have my set of questions. Believe me.
I have read some into evolution, and the big bang. And I actually think the big bang and creationism can co-exist. I'm not sure how I feel about evolution.
As for morality, morality can not exist without SOME sort of entity proposing morality within us. Even if it is not the Christian God. It could be any cosmic being. Morality is something that we are born with, inherently. Not that we are taught. If it was some construct developed by humans then it is flawed, as humans are flawed. And then morality is just a construct of those in power, and something that is created by an individual and unique to each person. If thats true, and people create their own morality, then everything and anything should be considered ethical. Even murder. It is because the majority of us have inherent virtues that I believe that SOMETHING bigger than us is out there.
And so that's where I am coming from when I talk with you about these topics. I don't really care if you want to wallow in this foolish ignorance and make choices that handicap your life. What bothers me is how widespread the epidemic is and how because it's so widespread it stifles societies and technologies eventual advancement.
I don't disagree that there are positive aspects of the message in the bible. Specifically the main concept of the bible is that you should treat others as you'd want to be treated. Countless stories of Jesus putting others far ahead of himself. This message is very positive and I encourage more people to have it...... but MC, lets get real. You don't need to believe in make believe God figures to realize the merit in that idea. I wouldnt be surprised if there were even earlier recorded documents on that very concept that predates the bible which would make the use in the bible no unique nor all that original.
Lastly you are dead wrong. morality does exist without someone imposing some sort of will within you. There does not need to be God to have morals. This thing you want to call morality is actually just logic. We have logic because our brains have evolved with the intelligence we have today. You have morality because you were brainwashed into believing there is a God, and then you used your intelligence to comprehend that brainwashing, and then you use that as a basis to for your morality. I on the other hand started with Logic and logically worked out in my brain that I am free to do what I want in life as long as i dont infringe on anothers equal right to life. This is done by not taking their past, present, or future which is done by not stealing, putting someone in slavery, or killing someone. That forms the basis of my morality and it wasn't formed via brain washing or by some mystical being, but by logic that is a consequence of billions of years of evolution.
Science is not the be-all end-all. People are too quick to denounce history and philosophy.