Almost committed a blasphemy, :-$ forgot to hit like on my own facebook status, talkin about da pack, I went in the game room, then realized my blunder, had to do a 180 spin move, turn the comp back on an sign back in, an hit like..... uftah that was a close call, woulda had to send myself to the electric chair, fer commitin this heinous act, teh prince must always be worshiped.
speakin of hittin like, I see a few people complainin about the people that hit like on there own facebook status, an I know there talkin about me, because im the only one that does it, well that an my buddy davey, me an him were the ones to start doin it, its like if yeh dont like your status or what yeh ahve to say, then why the phuck u even sayin it the first place, :-? Apparently they dont like themselves, an I tell them to go see a doctor, an get there brain fixed.
I dont know we jsut started doin it1 day for fun, an now its just sacrilegious not too, some people kiss there lucky charm, I hit like on my own facebook status.
I always just thought it was silly to do, it's more or less understood you like what you put as your status, because if you didn't you wouldn't of put it up, but...whatever works for you, my friend.
I always just thought it was silly to do, it's more or less understood you like what you put as your status, because if you didn't you wouldn't of put it up, but...whatever works for you, my friend.
Haha and no, we aren't.
Good, was plottin another traintrack esque episode, maybe go to the tallest buildin in the world, an hang over the ledge.
Haha and no, we aren't.
hes super adorable and my perfect type and live in jersey