When I went to court, there was this hot bitch in front of me that hit a car in a parking lot while drunk. The judge forbid her from drinking alcohol during her probation. I didn't even know they could do that
sort of kind of put a hiatus on a relationship with a close friend tonight and it feels shitty. but its for my own health tbh.
basically, dude got caught with wax in december, got charged in july, and started probation a wek ago. I met this kid through music, which are typically very strong relationships with me, (and later weed) and is a very close friend of mine. but since he started hes been a total asshole about his sobriety, acting like a compleely condescending prick to me, as one of his closest friends, and it disappoints me so fucking much.
not smoking weed or drinking doesnt have to render you a complete dick to your closest pals. thats the bottom line.
Ill admit its total bullshit what he has to go through though.
if you get caught with so much as half a gram of weed here, you get six months probation, reduced to 3 if youre clean. thats about 1500 bucks in all.
wax gets you a mandatory year with zero possibility of reduction (you get placed in a separate group with all the hard drug addicts), plus community service, 48 hours of abuse counselling, drug seminars, probation officer meetings, all of which you pay for additionally... about 3500 in the end, and they can schedule you for random hours for it, so its not like you can even hold a steady 40 hr/wk/9-5 job to pay it off easily. for people caught with these, the system swallows them up and spits them back out naked and shit on.
for even a quarter gram of concentrate.
thats some fucked up shit. id be mad too. but dont give me this holier than thou ass talk when you were blazing a couple months ago and spouting off about the system.
When I went to court, there was this hot bitch in front of me that hit a car in a parking lot while drunk. The judge forbid her from drinking alcohol during her probation. I didn't even know they could do that
you cant even have nyquil on probation here. if you get placed on probation, enjoy cancer causing cigarettes to get your fix. making the population healthy, right?
> doesn't drink
Cause Stone Cold said so.
if you get caught with so much as half a gram of weed here, you get six months probation, reduced to 3 if youre clean. thats about 1500 bucks in all.
wax gets you a mandatory year with zero possibility of reduction (you get placed in a separate group with all the hard drug addicts), plus community service, 48 hours of abuse counselling, drug seminars, probation officer meetings, all of which you pay for additionally... about 3500 in the end, and they can schedule you for random hours for it, so its not like you can even hold a steady 40 hr/wk/9-5 job to pay it off easily. for people caught with these, the system swallows them up and spits them back out naked and shit on.
for even a quarter gram of concentrate.
thats some fucked up shit. id be mad too. but dont give me this holier than thou ass talk when you were blazing a couple months ago and spouting off about the system.
What in the fuck
There is a video on my FB of a friend of mine dancing to me playing, but it's not very good, just kinda fucking around and whatnot.