like you said all the old guys don't care and the new guys do. so what happens when the new guys get old? they learn from example. haven't ever had a positive experience. even when they let me off with a warning they ask to search me. why? does it look like i'm being a nuisance? protect and serve, not harass. if you don't have a fucking reason to come over to me and talk to me as i'm walking down the street, don't. if you want to be included in that group that is your choice. but once you put that badge on you are a fucking pig to me.
Then there's really no point in carrying this conversation anymore. I've dealt with the same experiences you have. I've been straight up harassed, detained over nothing more than a fucking hunch by some dirty bastard cop who needed to fill a quota. But I can't hate an entire group of people for the actions of some. I can't. And I won't. To me it is unfair. So weird how some of the same experiences can impact us so differently. I've met some older cops who have been with the police force for decades and they are as straight as the day they first put that uniform on. I've worked alongside them. I've volunteered at soup kitchens with them. But whatever. You've made your point and I've made mine. I feel like I can stop now.
cop "yeah don't worry it'll be legal in a couple years"
me "yeah i'll keep that in mind when i'm searching for a job. you are fucking me over when you just said yourself it'll be legal? i drive ten hours and it's legal"
Then there's really no point in carrying this conversation anymore. I've dealt with the same experiences you have. I've been straight up harassed, detained over nothing more than a fucking hunch by some dirty bastard cop who needed to fill a quota.
stopped right fucking there lmfao. the word fucking quota! why is that in fucking police language at all?! they are here to protect and serve not make a certain amount of money off people. you are right this conversation is over. if you still want to be a part of something like the quote i quoted be my guest but i couldn't make a living off people like that. peace.
Get off my balls already. I don't know how many times I have to tell you in one conversation that I don't support every single fucking thing the police force does. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I actually agree with many of the things you have said. If you're not getting my point by now, there is just nothing else to say on the subject.
you punch me if you become a cop, completely fine. i defend myself, assault on a police officer. fuck if you even hit the dog while it's biting you it's assault. you are just bacon waiting to be pulled out of the package.
I understand your point. I have accepted the fact the we have different opinions. I told you I didn't want to partake in this specific conversation anymore. So why are you still directing all of your hatred towards me?
I understand your point. I have accepted the fact the we have different opinions. I told you I didn't want to partake in this specific conversation anymore. So why are you still directing all of your hatred towards me?
my hatred is directed to cops. you are a want to be cop. ask @xenocide how that goes.
PROTECT AND SERVE! NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD! note every single fucking cop in this video and the above doing the exact same thing. not one person said oh this dude is laying on the ground we shouldn't be tasing him or wait this guy is in his constitutional right to not get out or roll down his window all the way. and it says he was arrested for obstruction and 0% bac i can't really attest to that but you get the gist.
when i was getting my ticket
cop "yeah don't worry it'll be legal in a couple years"
me "yeah i'll keep that in mind when i'm searching for a job. you are fucking me over when you just said yourself it'll be legal? i drive ten hours and it's legal"
cop "sounds about right"
kill yourself
stopped right fucking there lmfao. the word fucking quota! why is that in fucking police language at all?! they are here to protect and serve not make a certain amount of money off people. you are right this conversation is over. if you still want to be a part of something like the quote i quoted be my guest but i couldn't make a living off people like that. peace.
you are the one that started this conversation. so much for being done. how does a quota change from officer to officer in the same unit? it doesn't.
quota = corrupt
sorry but even if there are some good cops they are just doing their job for money not to protect and serve as long as there is a quota.
Go out there and look for people to write tickets too!
you punch me if you become a cop, completely fine. i defend myself, assault on a police officer. fuck if you even hit the dog while it's biting you it's assault. you are just bacon waiting to be pulled out of the package.
protect and serve
my hatred is directed to cops. you are a want to be cop. ask @xenocide how that goes.
way to make me irate, faggot.
Shouldn't cops at least be able to run?
PROTECT AND SERVE! NOT ALL COPS ARE BAD! note every single fucking cop in this video and the above doing the exact same thing. not one person said oh this dude is laying on the ground we shouldn't be tasing him or wait this guy is in his constitutional right to not get out or roll down his window all the way. and it says he was arrested for obstruction and 0% bac i can't really attest to that but you get the gist.