this dude I used to party with junior/senior year, a decent amount, was arrested for boating drunk back in May. He was handcuffed and then the officer put the wrong life jacket on him. They say he jumped but all the witnesses say the cop was going way too fast. Well when he hit the water his life jacket came off and he drowned. I fucking hate cops man. Especially now that it hits home. How hard is it to do your job and keep us safe? Man he didn't deserve it.
Police corruption is getting out of hand. It feels like lately more than ever. Makes me want to drop the whole cop thing and just learn a trade or something in college.
New tool is gonna be like pacman vs mayweather
By the time it happens I'm not gonna care anymore
but Im still right here
if that were true no would care already
Pasta >
I stopped caring about new Tool when I heard boring ass '10,000 Days'
they sold out after their first ep
*sips coke*
stopped caring after sweat
never even liked tool
someone care to explain who tool is?
Not worth your time
this dude I used to party with junior/senior year, a decent amount, was arrested for boating drunk back in May. He was handcuffed and then the officer put the wrong life jacket on him. They say he jumped but all the witnesses say the cop was going way too fast. Well when he hit the water his life jacket came off and he drowned. I fucking hate cops man. Especially now that it hits home. How hard is it to do your job and keep us safe? Man he didn't deserve it.
kill yourself
but yep wanted to kinda be one when i was younger then i was like nah i don't want to be associated with that.
>Agree with me
Mixed message bitch ass lol
the kill yourself was for the still becoming the cop..