May have just fucked up my Mastodon shirt... Its white. And I have been washing it with my blacks all year, no problem (its my only white article of clothing I own. Doesn't make sense to wash it separately)... And I just pulled it out, and its pink-ish. Strange considering all the other clothes were black, I don't own any red clothes.
I put it back in alone for a cycle. Hoping it washes out.
While I was at the Welcome To Rockville festival, i finished watching a band was heading back to the media area/tent to meet with twelve foot ninja for an interview. When i got the the media entrance the production manager asks me to come over to him, he calls over the security guard and says, "THIS is what a fake media pass looks like". I thought he was just fucking around and whatnot, but then he starts fucking yelling at me, asking me where i got it from (for whatever reason, the media passes were stickies/stickers, not laminates. EVERY other outlet ie All Access, Staff etc had metallic laminates, and i guess he didn't know that?). My friend and i had actually talked with the particular security guard the day before for a good 15/20 minutes, so he remembered me and told the production manager I'd been there all weekend, and he refused to listen, I even told him i could call Kristine(the woman that handles the press), and he ignored me. So after 20 ish minutes, he finally got a response and when he realized it wasn't fake, he gave me the most faked, bullshitted apology I've ever heard and took off.
The thing i was mostly pissed off at was he kept the band waiting fucking 20 minutes, thinking I ditched the interview. Luckily after i explained to them what happened they understood.
I used to bring flyers from the clubs I worked at in a bag and just walk backstage at the amphitheater shows. If security stopped me, I'd just tell them I was working and they'd usually let me go. That's how I ended up meeting part of Wu-Tang Clan
I used to bring flyers from the clubs I worked at in a bag and just walk backstage at the amphitheater shows. If security stopped me, I'd just tell them I was working and they'd usually let me go. That's how I ended up meeting part of Wu-Tang Clan
I have business cards, plus the number of the woman in charge of the press/media and the security guard telling him it was a real pas, but he wasn't having it or listening to anybody.
well I thought I was going to see goblin/pinkish black tonight... but the venue raised their fucking service fees to almost $10, and now add on another bullshit "convenience fee," and raised parking price.
this $25 ticket is now almost $45. fuck that. hopefully moore tours zombi here/LA/vegas soon because Im not shelling that cash out to essentially see one guy I love and pinkish black.
I've been house sitting for my parents most of the last 2 weeks because of my dad's work travel. My pit bull and their pit bull are brothers, but they hate each other and fight. Today, I was driving my dad's Ranger, which is like a golf cart mixed with a hummer. I've been having all of the dogs outside for a run together (there's 2 others as well) and they usually just run around and don't really approach each other. Well something happened and the 2 pits ended up in a pretty severe fight. I had to circle around to try and stop them. When I approached, they moved and both jumped in front of me and I ran them over by accident. I pinned my dog under the Ranger and his brother was mauling him. I had to pick his brother up (80 lb dog) and toss him to the side, then pick the Ranger up off my dog to let him out. I thought I'd broken his back, but he got up right away. Since then though, he's steadily gotten more ginger about moving. We checked him twice and he doesn't respond like he's hurt to the touch, but I'm still afraid I broke one of his ribs or something. I just don't see how you can run over a dog with a machine that heavy and pin them under it without something being wrong. I'm gonna just have to let him sleep on it and see if something tightens up in the morning. Fucking sucks. I love my dog
some chick must have washed her pad with the last load
X_X why
$40 fuckin dollars to see Down open for BLS.... kill yourself livenationfagz.
While I was at the Welcome To Rockville festival, i finished watching a band was heading back to the media area/tent to meet with twelve foot ninja for an interview. When i got the the media entrance the production manager asks me to come over to him, he calls over the security guard and says, "THIS is what a fake media pass looks like". I thought he was just fucking around and whatnot, but then he starts fucking yelling at me, asking me where i got it from (for whatever reason, the media passes were stickies/stickers, not laminates. EVERY other outlet ie All Access, Staff etc had metallic laminates, and i guess he didn't know that?). My friend and i had actually talked with the particular security guard the day before for a good 15/20 minutes, so he remembered me and told the production manager I'd been there all weekend, and he refused to listen, I even told him i could call Kristine(the woman that handles the press), and he ignored me. So after 20 ish minutes, he finally got a response and when he realized it wasn't fake, he gave me the most faked, bullshitted apology I've ever heard and took off.
The thing i was mostly pissed off at was he kept the band waiting fucking 20 minutes, thinking I ditched the interview. Luckily after i explained to them what happened they understood.
I used to bring flyers from the clubs I worked at in a bag and just walk backstage at the amphitheater shows. If security stopped me, I'd just tell them I was working and they'd usually let me go. That's how I ended up meeting part of Wu-Tang Clan
Told y'all niggas. Just got the green light on a promotion \m/
I have business cards, plus the number of the woman in charge of the press/media and the security guard telling him it was a real pas, but he wasn't having it or listening to anybody.
it's retarded neither next gen system has hbo go....poverty
>Paying extra for 2 day shipping
>Ordered last Thursday and still hasn't shipped yet.
Never order from JSR Direct. Faggots.
well I thought I was going to see goblin/pinkish black tonight... but the venue raised their fucking service fees to almost $10, and now add on another bullshit "convenience fee," and raised parking price.
this $25 ticket is now almost $45. fuck that. hopefully moore tours zombi here/LA/vegas soon because Im not shelling that cash out to essentially see one guy I love and pinkish black.
I've been house sitting for my parents most of the last 2 weeks because of my dad's work travel. My pit bull and their pit bull are brothers, but they hate each other and fight. Today, I was driving my dad's Ranger, which is like a golf cart mixed with a hummer. I've been having all of the dogs outside for a run together (there's 2 others as well) and they usually just run around and don't really approach each other. Well something happened and the 2 pits ended up in a pretty severe fight. I had to circle around to try and stop them. When I approached, they moved and both jumped in front of me and I ran them over by accident. I pinned my dog under the Ranger and his brother was mauling him. I had to pick his brother up (80 lb dog) and toss him to the side, then pick the Ranger up off my dog to let him out. I thought I'd broken his back, but he got up right away. Since then though, he's steadily gotten more ginger about moving. We checked him twice and he doesn't respond like he's hurt to the touch, but I'm still afraid I broke one of his ribs or something. I just don't see how you can run over a dog with a machine that heavy and pin them under it without something being wrong. I'm gonna just have to let him sleep on it and see if something tightens up in the morning. Fucking sucks. I love my dog
Watch his piss and his shit...if there's blood take him in