fuck my buddies are having a kegger and it always rules and it should be Cray because of veishea and here I am sitting at home ready to wake up at 7am. I am irate.
Friends with secure jobs, wealthy backgrounds and government stipends telling me they can't sign a damn lease while my unemployed, Mexican ass sure as hell can't do it either. Finding an apartment is gonna be hard...
When people start believing in you. I'm staying humble cause I only climbed the first step so far, but all this work towards music is finally paying off. Life been a Goddamn ride recently.
Kid next to me in Criminal Law saying that school shootings and the like are caused by lack of God in schools...
Xeno, it is now your duty to commit a mass school shooting in the name of god.
got dat 5s
fuck the police
> stabbing suspect
> shoots guy with no knife
fuck my buddies are having a kegger and it always rules and it should be Cray because of veishea and here I am sitting at home ready to wake up at 7am. I am irate.
Friends with secure jobs, wealthy backgrounds and government stipends telling me they can't sign a damn lease while my unemployed, Mexican ass sure as hell can't do it either. Finding an apartment is gonna be hard...
Bitch niggas and flakes. I gotta find some more serious people to jam with soon.
stop fucking with those hoe ass niggas
When people start believing in you. I'm staying humble cause I only climbed the first step so far, but all this work towards music is finally paying off. Life been a Goddamn ride recently.
Yeah that really pisses me off too
Should bump the Ayo doe thread
Fucking poverty ass mobile version doesn't even properly show the titles.
All it said was "You know what really". Stand on train tracks.
thread is fucked up on mobile
We've gone over this a hundred times..