Missing wallet officially escalated to the point where I called and canceled my debit card because it's looking like it was stolen. I had it at least in the car with me when I got home last night. Relatively new apartment so everything is still organized so it's not hard to look through, don't see it anywhere in here. Either I dropped it walking in last night or I left my car unlocked and someone snagged it.
Was under the impression I was going to brit floyd with my friend and his dad. Well its tomorrow and I hadn't got word on tickets so I ask my friend. "Oh dude I work tomorrow" are you fucking kidding me who doesn't inform someone they're involved in plans with when this shit happens?
Pedro thoughts.
New mobile site is absolutely disgusting.
what the fuck is this mobile shit
a drunk driver killed two people and injured like 10 other people at SXSW, that's so fucked up.
i hate every fuckin one of u
new mobile layout is worse than aids