basically an alternative "real" Youtube for a darker audience. Much of it is "banned" material of like murders, and hit-and-runs with people getting ripped apart, or protest videos where people die, or videos of the shit that goes on everyday in the Middle East. There is normal and happy stuff on there as well, just the morbid videos catch my eye.
Fucking saw a video of a baby getting run over by a train in India. Every time I see shit like that, hate builds.
I dont mind watching murder or snuff films or anything like that but I don't want to watch anything with babies and little kids being killed, animals too. That stuff just fucks with my psyche
watching stuff like that damages your quality of life though. i mean, i guess it's good to be aware of stuff like that, but nothing good can come of indulging in it
some of the stuff you see on there will remind you why you should be happy you live in the USA. Be glad that by living in this country you're less likely to have your head cut off and paraded in celebration by a bunch of extremists
me too. i go to pirate bay when i really cant find something, but i try to stay away from it. i was on btjunkie hardcore before it got shut down. demonoid before that
i only download shit that i really worry about when i'm on some company wifi. i'll take my lap top to wendy's with me some days just to run utorrent for disney movies and shit. otherwise, i just run ultrasurf
I stay far away from any kind of videos like that after seeing the video of extremists cutting off the head of the media dude Eugene years ago. It fucked with my head for weeks I actually couldn't eat the night I saw it. So many thoughts come from those videos.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
basically an alternative "real" Youtube for a darker audience. Much of it is "banned" material of like murders, and hit-and-runs with people getting ripped apart, or protest videos where people die, or videos of the shit that goes on everyday in the Middle East. There is normal and happy stuff on there as well, just the morbid videos catch my eye.
Fucking saw a video of a baby getting run over by a train in India. Every time I see shit like that, hate builds.