>phoneless for about a month because us cellular is a joke >activate phone last night finally >should take 10 minutes to 4 hours >roaming all last night >figured it be done when i wake up >still roaming >call back again, wait for 20 minutes >bitch can't hear me on my buddies phone >call back again on different phone, wait another 20 minutes >yeah are system is being upgraded i can't do much call this number >kill yourself said, i go off >still don't have a phone
how the fuck are you gonna update your system at 2 on a fucking thursday but not do it at 12 on a fucking wednesday night. so done with us cellular, they about to go out of business. shittiest customer service ever.
If people don't know their limits I don't want to hear their complaints.
Complaint was more so about the poor office scheduling. I know my limit full and well, it's the fact that it's a lot more fun to go beyond it and deal with it in the morning.
The guy you are looking for my friend who didn't have to work until 5 and still called off because he felt sick. Fucking idiot that's just too much, man up and go to work.
>try to call mom while roaming >has me go through some prison bullshit saying my name so the other person can accept the call and charges >finally get done >phone ends the call
fucking kill yourselves you faggots. biggest jokes around the world in the cell phone business.
phone. these guys are a fucking joke. been trying to get a new phone for like 3 months to no prevail. all of them need to suicide bomb all of the stores. i heard a dude that worked there, that is the only good one at his job, say that since they switched to the new system he has wanted to kill himself every day he comes to work. another faggot from customer service said my lock button clicked so it should work and then proceeded to wipe it down with a toothbrush, top notch customer service.
Ah. We have sprint, it fucking sucks. Their coverage blows but they've started adding 4g towers around here finally. Down in Tennessee my mom couldn't get service standing next to a sprint store.
>activate phone last night finally
>should take 10 minutes to 4 hours
>roaming all last night
>figured it be done when i wake up
>still roaming
>call back again, wait for 20 minutes
>bitch can't hear me on my buddies phone
>call back again on different phone, wait another 20 minutes
>yeah are system is being upgraded i can't do much call this number
>kill yourself said, i go off
>still don't have a phone
how the fuck are you gonna update your system at 2 on a fucking thursday but not do it at 12 on a fucking wednesday night. so done with us cellular, they about to go out of business. shittiest customer service ever.
The guy you are looking for my friend who didn't have to work until 5 and still called off because he felt sick. Fucking idiot that's just too much, man up and go to work.
>try to call mom while roaming
>has me go through some prison bullshit saying my name so the other person can accept the call and charges
>finally get done
>phone ends the call
fucking kill yourselves you faggots. biggest jokes around the world in the cell phone business.
>said call came through
>came through as my brothers number
what a fucking joke.