Going on a date made me realize how much I really really really do not want to he in a relationship. Should a never stopped talking to the other jawn smfh
My friend spent a ridiculous amount of $$ on 70000 tons of metal, and instead of watching Cynic, Necrogoblikon, or Satyricon, he spent his time watching Obituary, Massacre, Terrorizer and Unearth.
My friend spent a ridiculous amount of $$ on 70000 tons of metal, and instead of watching Cynic, Necrogoblikon, or Satyricon, he spent his time watching Obituary, Massacre, Terrorizer and Unearth
"Wahhhhhhhh someone had a good time doing stuff that I wouldn't have done!!"
My friend spent a ridiculous amount of $$ on 70000 tons of metal, and instead of watching Cynic, Necrogoblikon, or Satyricon, he spent his time watching Obituary, Massacre, Terrorizer and Unearth.
All of which play FL all the fucking time <____>
Eh I would have definitely have watched Cynic and not have watched Unearth but I definitely dig Obituary, Massacre, and Terrorizer more then Necrogoblikon and Satyricon.
Yeah but he's saying be lives in Florida so obituary on the monthly probably haha. I don't know I wouldn't be stressin about it. I mean the guy is also on a fucking cruise. I'm sure he feels like he got his money.
I can get where Facefuck is coming from honestly. It's like if you go to France and instead of having some fancy ass cheese and frog legs, you just go to McDonalds.
Just make it clear you're there. He's going to get swamped with people saying "I'm here for you if ever need to talk" But if he's your best friend, obviously you'll be one of the few that actually are there or will talk. Not saying nobody else means, just saying I didn't want to talk to 98% of the people that said that to me. I knew my friends were there, and they went through shit with me. We've drank for entire days before, like not duration of the sun being up...twenty four fucking hours of just frustration and venting. I know that's a little different for you, but yeah just keep being the same friend you've been.
Anytime man. It's weird that I feel like 90% of them time I'm on this board I'm playing argument defense haha. But real shit happens and even though this place is dead, you guys I've known you guys a long time and you're my friends...even if I'm the least social one here off the site.
As for grinding gears....fuck I need to see Tom Petty again. Shitty af the dude costs just about as much as a Bonnaroo ticket my himself.
All of which play FL all the fucking time <____>
Burn that motherfucker
As for grinding gears....fuck I need to see Tom Petty again. Shitty af the dude costs just about as much as a Bonnaroo ticket my himself.
fuck pigs
I always wake up with text from Todd at like 5 in the morning