Eh I see your point with booze around kids as it changes who you are....but I don't see an issue with sneaking outside for a few tokes...but that's just how I was raised
If he is not then he is really a lot dumber than I thought. Not to mention it should be common knowledge not to be fucking getting high when you have babies to take care of. Do it when they aren't around. I've told him my stance on the subject several times. He is one of those people that everything is about themselves and no one else. I can't wait for the first time her mom asks if jamey can stay the night with them and I get the pleasure of telling her exactly why he will not be staying there.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
But for real, aside from the respectfulness issue, I wouldn't worry about health effects resulting or anything. They've actually done a lot of research in Jamaica that says that children of heavy pot smokers are better off
When my girlfriends mom watches my son (she won't even attempt to watch kids under 3), I constantly have to worry about if she's pilled out or drunk. One week she kept him and left him at this kinda weird dudes house while she worked and I was sweating bullets all day. He's also told me that she lets him ride in the front seat of the car with no car seat (both illegal) with her on their way to a Wal-Mart thats 25 minutes away. It's the only real source of contention between my girlfriend and I. It's not that I think her mom is a bad person, I just think she's inept and naive.
Not trying to change your mind, just rest you at ease if you thought that would be putting your son at some sort of risk