it also grinds my gears that it's still warm outside. this summer has been a nightmare. you can't even avoid mosquitoes indoors down here anymore. fuck all this rain and humidity
thats the worst part of my job. if it were just me crunching numbers all day, i'd be a happy camper. instead i get to deal with dumbfucks that try to lie to me and blame everything wrong with their lives on me. fuckin sucks
> find bleach
> add ammonia
> breath deep
it also grinds my gears that it's still warm outside. this summer has been a nightmare. you can't even avoid mosquitoes indoors down here anymore. fuck all this rain and humidity
Fuck I just wanna start my weekend
The same people that decided George Clooney should be Batman
The same people that decided Robin should be a 20 year old man child
The same people that put Megan Fox in the Jonah Hex movie
The same people that were responsible for Green Lantern
The same people responsible for Bat nipples
WB making dumb decisions about DC movies? Nothing to see here.