I bent my thumb back almost to my wrist a couple of weeks ago when I was hitting the heavy bag, and for a couple of weeks my left hand had almost zero grip strength in certain positions, yet it was fine in others. I couldn't use that hand to pick up a cup or soda can gripping it from over the top (claw style) though. It fucking sucked, but it's all better now. Hang in there.
Still have a little over 24 hours with the hellspawn known as my mother and grandmother. Gotta love family but goddamn you'd think they would want to play nice right before I'm leaving.
Nope. Bitch levels are at a never before seen high.
The back of my hand is slightly bruised too. Ugh.
Learn to chew
Learn to chew
fuck all these store brand shit pasta wannabes
Nope. Bitch levels are at a never before seen high.
Drink the same, mixed wit a little bit of my ball sweat and semen.