No dont have to they are already shapely, but I do trim my nose hairs, no female wants to go in for an intimate kiss, an get a glimpse of those curved feelers, yeh better be cuttin that shit.
My threads getting deleted, dayna probably cried after that last post, cuz I wasnt givin her no attention. *Edit actually it was prolly cuz george was postin that creeper crap, but I had dayna pretty good with those last posts, she better have read them, cuz she would be cryin her eyeballs out.
Thas good, shes not cool with meh though, she is gonna have to settle on a pushover girly man though, because no cool dude, gonna listen to her, especially after she gets fat as hell, feel sorry for the fella that gets stuck with that piece of work.
somebody sounds like theyre in loveeee
shes with a beast that gives her a good workout every night brah, dont worry bout it
yeh better get in er while she still in her prime, cuz it wont be to much longer, an im in love with Razor mang. 8->