when me and my buddy went to do an eviction at a house we found a small kids guitar so i told him to smash it like a rockstar and i filmed it. but he slammed it on the ground and it bounced back and hit him in the face lmao. i gotta find that vid...
My mom doesn't have a credit card, doesn't have a job, doesn't have a license, is living with my grandma. Not going to do anything about it. I just wished she asked...I would have given it to her.
and feeling depressed
when me and my buddy went to do an eviction at a house we found a small kids guitar so i told him to smash it like a rockstar and i filmed it. but he slammed it on the ground and it bounced back and hit him in the face lmao. i gotta find that vid...
you sir are going to burn in hell....