As long as you're not trying to be a pro gamer and don't mind shelling out a bit of cash, Macs are great. I don't exactly treat my Mac that well and nothing has gone wrong with it. It's a good computer and gets the job done.
Dawg I'm getting so fucking irritated. My Uncle has stayed here for 3 days now and all his dumbass does is use my PS3 to go on Netflix, and literally searches for something to watch for fucking hours, and when/if he actually finds something, he doesn't even watch it, just fast forwards through most of it. Why force yourself to watch it? He even searched for literally 2 1/2 HOURS STRAIGHT last night, finally fucking said "Eh, nothing's on." And put the controller down, yet I fucking wake up to him searching again, and he's been doing it for over an hour. Even my Mom is irritated at this point.
Im'ma delete Netflix off the PS3 and say the bill got too expensive so we got rid of it.
I've had my first MacBook for a few months now and I love it. It definitely has a little bit of a learning curve if you've never used a Mac before but once you get use to it it's awesome.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
As long as you're not trying to be a pro gamer and don't mind shelling out a bit of cash, Macs are great. I don't exactly treat my Mac that well and nothing has gone wrong with it. It's a good computer and gets the job done.
I just don't like the iOS. Not as powerful. Not as customizable. Not as many programs/games/apps work on Apple products. I dunno.
Plus growing up on PCs, Macs are difficult for me to use. Even the keyboard feels weird to me.
I mean I was PC for my whole life 'til I got my MacBook too but I just never really did too much with it as far as customizing goes so I'm just like whatever
Mac just isn't user's more for professional shit...not just sitting home and surfing the web/homework....most of the time when you go to a show the bigger ones are always using macs to run their sound tables
I don't game though so no problem there. It might not be as open and customize able as a pc but what the fuck ever. If it'll let me download music and watch porn without pissing me the fuck off like the piece of shit I just had, I'll be happy as hell.
At the present time though I now have no money or laptop because I didn't want to commit to another one just to bring it back later and since I paid in cash, I have to have a check mailed to me.
If anything, Mac has way better durability. Depending what model you get there will only be one moving part which is the fan. So a mac will go through way less wear and tear compared to a pc. Plus the fact that viruses for mac are almost nonexistent.
I dont see how Mac isnt user friendly either...I mean its not rocket science. Once you learn that the shift key pretty much replaces the right click there's nothing else super complicated about it :-??
I'll be getting a Mac Pro when I get a job. All I ever use my computer for is music (Any web surfing is all on my phone at this point.) and there's nothing better than a Mac for music production. It's industry standard for a reason.
Good news is Alice Cooper is coming to Orlando right before Halloween.
Bad news is B4MV, Pop Evil, Papa Roach and Black Veil Brides are opening.
Pop Evil must have really good management because they should be dead by now
I can admit their second album was an improvement, but still I agree, there's nothing special about that band, yet they continue to get any tour they want just about.
I feel that the smaller ones are the worst, but I also operate on a food basis. so if I get a 5.5 hr shift (which translate to 5 hr 45 minutes) I get shafted of a lunch by 15 min. work loves scheduling me those :-L
Im'ma delete Netflix off the PS3 and say the bill got too expensive so we got rid of it.
Plus growing up on PCs, Macs are difficult for me to use. Even the keyboard feels weird to me.
At the present time though I now have no money or laptop because I didn't want to commit to another one just to bring it back later and since I paid in cash, I have to have a check mailed to me.
I dont see how Mac isnt user friendly either...I mean its not rocket science. Once you learn that the shift key pretty much replaces the right click there's nothing else super complicated about it :-??
Bad news is B4MV, Pop Evil, Papa Roach and Black Veil Brides are opening.