This demo/ep release has been such a fucking ordeal. Took us forever to get recording done. Drummer wanted to rerecord it. Album art took forever to settle on. Debate on fonts to use for cover. Ect ect
Today, go to burn test copy. Lightscribe doesnt work. So I say "fuck it, I'll use a plain disc and right on it with marker". All my blank "cds" are DVDs besides the Lightscribe CDs. Fuckin A.
Fucking pissed I couldn't find my ear plugs for the show last night and they weren't selling any at all as well. Fucking ears are ringing and driving me bat shit crazy ~X(
Fucking pissed I couldn't find my ear plugs for the show last night and they weren't selling any at all as well. Fucking ears are ringing and driving me bat shit crazy ~X(
>Hope they don't play Love Bites
>They open with it
>mfw :-L
Today, go to burn test copy. Lightscribe doesnt work. So I say "fuck it, I'll use a plain disc and right on it with marker". All my blank "cds" are DVDs besides the Lightscribe CDs. Fuckin A.
Pussy. One concert?