I don't have wifi anymore, a power surge wiped out my router months ago because the surge protector failed. The Comcast modem won't connect to the Internet no matter how many times I reset it or anything. Piece of shit.
Well, when you know your phone is going to get turned off in a few days, it's basically the only way I stay in touch with people. My house phone has issues. I have the worst luck, I swear...
My dad comes home a little drunk, says he's hungry. I should know what comes next, but I ignore it. I go to the kitchen and make this bawse ass pizza. I'm talking your regular sauce cheese pepperoni sausage, then I add a layer of a little american cheese, more pepperonis and some more mozzarella.
I put it in ze oven, come back and he is already sleeping.
-Getting to the theater tonight, and ALL THREE THEATERS showing nightmare on elm street were completely sold the fuck out.
I put it in ze oven, come back and he is already sleeping.
all the time
he moves a finger and im mad at him already