Realized that over this past year, I've lost myself. I thought I was doing the grieving thing, but I guess not. I'm a different person and I just now realized it. It's a part of what fucked up my relationship that is currently on hold right now and I'm just hoping that that can be salvaged. But right now it's best that I work on me. I'm going on a trip somewhere, right now I don't know where. Originally I was going on a cross country road trip to just explore things and meet new people. But now it's branching out to a trip to Australia. What's funny is in the end they cost about the same. I don't know. I just really want want to get myself back together the best I can before I go total fucking crazy. Ended up being shorter than I thought but it already helps.
Even just being able to recognize that there is a problem is a huge step forward dude. A lot of people tend to just bottle that shit up and keep going through the motions while denying the truth from themselves. Best of luck buddy, I hope you find where you need to be.
Due to my ride situation, I had to leave the Deicide/Paths Of Possession show tonight around 10:45, which was during P.O.P setting up their equipment, so I basically wasted time on 3 shitty locals.
Even when I get a ride to a show, I still miss the bands
Fuck I am sick of working weekends....I'm just feeling burnt out...I'm the head boss and I haven't had two days off in a row since April 24th.....I'm getting sick of this shit
I just haven't had shit for a social life lately....and I understand that's part of the job...but at some point I need a mini break....gonna tell the owner on Wednesday that I need Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend off so I can plan something...either the Michigan central game, or a camping trip
I don't make it to OT unless I have to stay till 7-8 a couple days during the week...I work 930-5....I get here at 9 though cause I always have extra work...but yeah with my 1/2 lunch I have to take it only adds up to 7 a day....and my day off has been Wednesdays... So Saturday this week is just normal pay...luckily I only have to be here for 5 hours tomorrow
Even when I get a ride to a show, I still miss the bands
I just haven't had shit for a social life lately....and I understand that's part of the job...but at some point I need a mini break....gonna tell the owner on Wednesday that I need Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend off so I can plan something...either the Michigan central game, or a camping trip