10/hr....damn.....Iv been sending out resumes all week..I'm working but they don't pay me what most places pay their managers so I figure either get a new job...or at least an offer so that I will get offered a raise
10/hr....damn.....Iv been sending out resumes all week..I'm working but they don't pay me what most places pay their managers so I figure either get a new job...or at least an offer so that I will get offered a raise
Basically have our own Casey Anthony thing going on here. Little girl disappears, nobody has a clue what happened. Now apparently the mother was in jail for something else and told her cellmate she did it. Here we go...
Not having fucking glasses. I'm only supposed to have my contacts in for 10 hours a day. Then put glasses on asap because I apparently a decent amount of veins into my corneas. Not too much of a surprise since all I've had available to me is contacts only since May 2011. The fact I can't do jack about this until I get back to wv is frustrating /vent
Not as expensive to live here though so I guess that's a trade off. Idk
You're learning =D>
Can't help with the band thing. I couldn't imagine trying to keep that going from separate states
That what I was going for \m/
glad someone noticed
Have a nice fucking day y'all
Whitesnake \m/
Volbeat \m/
Bullet \m/
3 Doors Down ^:)^ \m/ ^:)^ \m/ ^:)^ \m/ ^:)^ \m/