This administration has tried to cover up more things then any administration in history probably
I dunno, there have been more lies probably in other administrations, but this administration crosses the line in espionage more than any other in the last 40 years, in my opinion.
This is why I lol at everyone saying the Xbox One's ability to see you and hear conversations in your living room is the "beginning" of the government spying on you. You dumb as fuck if you don't think it's already happening.
And of course Bianca's OK wit this, rats gotta support other rats.
The height is a little long but alright. But it's way too big around the torso and crap since I've lost nearly 40 pounds since it was ordered in January
The only thing that really surprised me about the NSA-Verizon thing is that they had to ask for their records and that they weren't able to dig their way in on their own. People have known about the multi billion dollar data center that they are building in Utah for a couple of years now, how is all of this a big shock to anyone?
Of course they have your data. That's why they built these fucking places. They have another one scheduled to be completed in Maryland in 2016.
Newsflash. They either have, or will have, more than your call history and times. They have your emails. They have your text messages. Credit card reciepts. They have your Facebook and chat records. They will have this post, the one before it and the one after it. The dick pic you sent at 3am, they have that too. And it will only get creepier from here.
And of course Bianca's OK wit this, rats gotta support other rats.
The height is a little long but alright. But it's way too big around the torso and crap since I've lost nearly 40 pounds since it was ordered in January
Of course they have your data. That's why they built these fucking places. They have another one scheduled to be completed in Maryland in 2016.
Newsflash. They either have, or will have, more than your call history and times. They have your emails. They have your text messages. Credit card reciepts. They have your Facebook and chat records. They will have this post, the one before it and the one after it. The dick pic you sent at 3am, they have that too. And it will only get creepier from here.
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