Got these boppas goin' crazy, nigga, I'm the man. Sent ya girl a message, said "I see ya when I can.". She sent me one back, but I ain't never read it. 'Cause pussy's only pussy, and I get it when I need it.
Sorry Brad, but Dayna just flagged my damn post. Again. I thought we were cool and could be friends, but now shit just got real. She just stepped in it, and she stepped in it deep. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little girl's “clever” post flagging was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have controlled your god damned woman. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re sharing the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. I'm raising a crew to sign up, log on, and flag all your shit. 24 hours a day. New posts, old posts, it doesn't fucking matter bitches. All 30,000+ posts. Yeah, they're gonna flag her shit too. Go ahead, post away tonight. You have a brief window of safety to post unmolested until the post flagging crew rolls through here to show what the fuck internet post flagging is all about you manlet fuck. Enjoy it while it lasts, because tomorrow you will suffer the pain and anguish of internet post flagging the likes of which this forum has never seen.
This is a call to ALL who have suffered, those who have been unjustly shamed, their thought and words flagged on the internet and marked as spam like an unwanted viagra ad in your inbox. Rise Brothers and Sisters and throw off the chains of post-flagging oppression. We don't need to live in fear anymore. We can overcome the post flaggin tyrants!
Sent ya girl a message, said "I see ya when I can.".
She sent me one back, but I ain't never read it.
'Cause pussy's only pussy, and I get it when I need it.
I was about to start defending Dayna B
>tab comes off :-|
>opens shotgun style
>blows up all over me