So, my two friends/to-be-roommates found out who are 4th man is. Apparently it's some big football player who has been to juvenile hall for things like assault and sexual assault. Also, the icing on the cake is that he hates Mexicans. Two of us including me are just that. This'll be fun...
That's kind of the plan, but I'm going to have to interact with him at some point. If he's gonna act hostile, I'll get that put to a stop immediately. Just kind of sucks that of all the people we ended up with, we got to get this guy. I'd rather have to deal with a party-party drunkerd than a somebody who has gone to juvie and is racist. Ugh. I'm just overreacting right now. It's what I do.
@Slap Don't listen to others or to heresay or rumour. Meet the guy with an open mind and judge him for yourself. It might all be gossip, or he might have matured and grown up since his chequered past. If it turns out that he's as bad as you think....them punch him in the cock
I wouldn't go with the dick punch.... Some guys are into that. You don't want to both piss off and turn on a dude bigger than you.
Be chill and meet the guy, see what happens. Like Gnomes said you don't really his side of the story yet or if he's matured. If it turns out that he is a douche, then you can have a great time fucking with the guy. Tell him all about how the place is haunted. Make him think you worship the devil. Convince him your roommate is schitzo. Steal his wallet, drop it outside a small building and set it on fire. Hide his car keys. Kids these days just don't know a good time when you see one.
Don't listen to others or to heresay or rumour. Meet the guy with an open mind and judge him for yourself. It might all be gossip, or he might have matured and grown up since his chequered past. If it turns out that he's as bad as you think....them punch him in the cock
Be chill and meet the guy, see what happens. Like Gnomes said you don't really his side of the story yet or if he's matured. If it turns out that he is a douche, then you can have a great time fucking with the guy. Tell him all about how the place is haunted. Make him think you worship the devil. Convince him your roommate is schitzo. Steal his wallet, drop it outside a small building and set it on fire. Hide his car keys. Kids these days just don't know a good time when you see one.